
Mar 19, 2012 23:25

I think I never did think to mention that I finally saw Warhorse.

Yeah, I really wasn't sure I wanted to see Warhorse because I really hate seeing animals in pain and I tend to be leery of war movies but I'm glad I did. Actually, it was my mom's idea, pulling the same mom card she did when making me see Saving Private Ryan when I was 15.

I loved how it had the emotional impact of Saving Private Ryan or Schindler's List but in a more accessible PG-13.

I really liked it. Of course, it wasn't as violent as Schindler's List or Saving Private Ryan but I think he was able to keep a very similar level of intensity without all the blood and gore. You do see the dead soldiers. You do see the dead horse corpses being piled into a hole. It has a pretty high death toll, really.

The book is a very anti-war book and the movie, from my understanding, is more from the book with some additions from the play and some new additions. Anyway, the movie is also very anti-war in that it does show everything and how both sides have good and bad people and actions and how war in the words of one character, "takes everything".

One thing my mom mentioned is how it showed how everyone has some good and bad in them. She also likes to think, even though it's highly unlikely, that maybe something like that did happen.

Tom Hiddleston was adorable as always and just when I thought he couldn't get any cuter, he started drawing. This wasn't the usual young male drawing that I'm used to where it consists of robots, gore or what your R.A. would look like naked, it was a HORSE!

It was cuteness/adorable level DEFCON ONE!

Unfortunately, the book has no photos from the movie but Conan did manage to show a clip with Tom's character multiple times so that was nice.

Benedict Cumberbatch is in it, too. On one hand, I get that he was going for a more chivalrous, character from an older age but...I HATED the mustache. It was just wrong. I hope it never happens again.

There was also a theory that the horse was cursed. I don't believe this. However, I did compelling evidence that the FLAG was cursed and that was the real reason why the father wanted to get rid of it.
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