It's been a while

Aug 05, 2007 18:33

Wow, since I do a quick skim of the flist on most days I had no idea it had been a loooooooong time since I had posted anything in my own journal.

I originally planned to go into work for about 4 hours today to stave off a week of working late every night, but I changed that plan due to the COMPLETE AND UTTER CHAOS in my house. I decided it's better to go in early and stay late on Mon and Weds and have clean clothes, clean dishes, and food that's prepared than a week of chaos like last week was. I think this was the right decision.

Do other people get COMPLETE AND UTTER CHAOS in their house? I don't even have kids. I can't imagine what would happen then! Although I guess if there were kids I would be home more, which would probably help. All it takes is for one thing to get a little awry, and it's like that will trigger some kind of explosion of dysfunction, complete with figurative underwear hanging off the ceiling fan.

However, there's one thing that functions quite well: the new, as of this summer, AC. I can't believe what a difference air conditioning, even non-optimally placed window units set to 78 degrees on energy saver mode, makes to my summertime quality of life. I knew heat and I did not get along...but I just realized that I have had no moments of wishing I could hibernate until October, instead of my typical 4-5 a day. Even when I am outside walking around in the heat, I don't have the old feeling of being overheated forever. I wonder if I will forget that feeling?
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