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Oct 20, 2008 15:27

i like my job but it can be pretty frustrating. i always feel pretty inadequate here, like im constantly doing the wrong thing. its difficult because at a counceling center you dont want to go too far into the students and patients lives and you dont want to go into details with people, because a lot of things are such sensitive issues, but when you dont get EVERY detail about a person's life the councelors get annoyed. Than the councelors dont tell you anything at all and expect you to know everything and when you dont it makes you feel stupid or something. It's always kind of like- well why didnt you know what I wanted ahead of time? like im constantly expected to read minds here. it gets pr etty frustrating especially when its just me here (the other secretary couldnt work today), so days like this kind of annoy me. and lately its been particularly crazy because we have been really really short staffed and more and more students continue to take on new councelors. and we have been getting a lot of walk-ins. so i have to schedule studetns for latre and later dates and the students dont like having to wait so long and councelors dont like having to be so booked all the time but seriously what am i suppsoe to do? haha lauren said- just tell everyone to leave- which would be hilarious haha. OK IM SORRY YOU'RE ALL JUST GONNA HAVE TO LEAVE. but i dunno todays particularly frustrating cuz i really just feel like all the fingres are being pointed at me, blah.

haha omg funny story at work though. so today i was making this kid an appointment and we have a jar of m&ms, when you push this lever they all come pouring out through a spout. well this kids touching everything on the desk, picking stuff up pushing stuff around and finally he starts touching this jar and ALL these m&ms pour all over the floor. haha omg this is so weird. ok so the kid goes OOPS i didnt know it would do that! than he keeps talking to me, crouches down onto the floor, and starts eating m&ms off the floor while hes talking to me!! WHAT! hahah i had a really hard time keeping a straight face
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