Insomniac Music Meme

Apr 07, 2007 06:39

Can't sleep. Been reading my friends page. I see squeegman has posted a music meme. So here I go trying to be like the cool kids...

List 10 musical artists you like, in no specific order (do this before reading the questions below).

1. The Mars Volta
2. John Butler Trio
3. Modest Mouse
4. Bjork
5. Ghostface Killah
6. The Roots
7. Spoon
8. Sons and Daughters
9. Death Cab For Cutie
10. Radiohead

What is your favorite song by 9: "We Looked Like Giants" and "I Will Follow You Into the Dark."
What was the first song you heard by 6: Gosh, I don't remember. I think it was "What They Do" from the Illadelph Halflife album (it's a classic!).
What is your favorite song by 7: "I Summon You My Love" It's what I imagine some handsome stranger whispering in my ear. And "My Mathematical Mind." I think Britt Daniel is singing about me.
How did you get into 10: Way late actually. I got into Radiohead after the Hail to the Thief album. I'd been pretty lukewarm to them before. But after hearing this album for damn near everyday once it was released I'd be humming and mouthing the words on the subway to work.
What is your favorite song by 5: "Ghost Deini," or really anything off the Supreme Clientle album. Sheesh, Ghostface is the most innovative member of the Wu-Tang Clan. He's got lyrics for days!
How long have you been listening to 1: For a couple of years. Daily for the last 8 months.
What is your favorite song by 4: So Broken. What a haunting ballad that still brings tears to my eyes and gives me goosebumps.
Have you seen 3 live: Course, at Radio City Music Hall. It doesn't get better than that. Trying to finagle tickets for current tour. Two words for you: Johnny Marr.
What is your favorite song by 1: "Televators"
Do you have any merchandise by 9: Nope.
What is your favorite song by 2: I've got three and they're all from the Sunrise Over Sea album: "Treat Yo Mama," "Bound to Ramble," and "What You Want"
Which song makes you sad by 5: "Josephine"
What is your favorite song by 3: "Dramamine"...we kiss on the mouth, but still cough down our sleeves...
List all of the band members in 4: Hah, that's easy: Björk Guðmundsdóttir
What is your favorite song by 8: "Johnny Cash"
What do you NOT like about 7: That they don't tour more often.
What is your favorite song by 6: "Break You Off"
Have you visited 1’s official website: Ofcourse. Damn near weekly I must admit. Hoping that they'll play some shows in the States soon. I'd totally fly to any North American city to see them live.
What is your favorite song by 10: "There There"
Which of these bands have you added on your Myspace: I'm ashamed to admit it, but I'm a myspace virgin. Well I set up a page and then never did anything else. I prefer Friendster. Am I showing my age?!?

music, meme, insomnia

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