Title: Concrete Sky
Author: h4hahn
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Erica and Mary Jo really enjoy a day by the pool.
Disclaimer: See Sidebar / or my LJ page
Author’s Note: So, couple of things…My inspiration deserted me on my serials. So this little (and I stress little) smutty piece is me trying to lure my muse back with some treats. The story is an elaboration on the
sunburn drabble for
hahnsrockstar and is totally separate from our little MJ series.
Author’s Note 2: I was debating whether this should be on the smut table or
kink_ bingo. So, here I am diving in and settling upon a vertical bingo line. Gird yourselves ladies if you see the end of this line. I must admit, I’m kinda looking forward to it now.
Concrete Sky