Character Analysis - Erica Hahn - Why she HAD to Leave

May 19, 2009 10:59

Got myself all worked up again, and it turned into another rant. Sorry, it wouldn't let me live, until I had it down on paper. Here goes (cross-posted from my journal, 'cause I don't know how to link properly just yet)

How could she have NOT? We have this amazingly great world renowned surgeon, who put her life on hold on her way to achieve greatness. She's a "woman of substance" as Derek so eloquently put it, who knows what she's doing and wants to be the best. Suddenly, she's left butt-naked -metaphorically speaking, pardon my French- on ALL levels: professional, personal, and love-wise.

Professionally, she was working for #12. Must've been hard for a surgeon of her league to suddenly find herself at #12 , that eerily resembles a circus, or just a bad daytime soap: with interns and residents running amok unsupervised doing as they please, cutting LVADs and themselves because nobody taught them better. I know people have argued that SHE herself was pushy and rude, a bitch and a bad teacher. Which was absolutely true, and God knows until Callica, I've hated her for that. But I also couldn't help but notice the she was the ONLY one in that God forsaken hospital who actually learned something from her mistakes and did something about it. She got over her Yang hatred and actually asked her about how she learned better, and even commended her: "nice catch, Yang! " I could understand why the Circu...uh...I mean the hospital would not know what to do with such a mythical creature, that's good at what she does, honest and professional. Illegal and immoral, are just words that the SGH's Dictionary simply does not contain.

On a personal level, if I hear about her being wrong for leaving, or even worse her needing to APOLOGIZE for leaving...I think I'm gonna throw up. Seriously. Sure, she was the one who physically left. But Callie had pushed her away with both hands and legs, both physically and emotionally LONG before the last straw. And for health reasons, I'm NOT going to go into that one again. My feelings haven't changed and I don't think they ever will. Period.

What was there for her to stay at SGH? She had nothing and nobody on her side. She was in a place where professionally she was only going to go down, and had no one to turn to on a personal level. She had a clown for a chief and a commitment phobe for a pseudo-girfriend(?) and NO friends to talk to. Of course she won't take much shit from anybody; even Callie. Even if it was painfully obvious that she had totally fallen for Callie.

End rant. Off to sleep as tomorrow I get up early for a weekend away. YAY!


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