This isn't myspace at all!

Sep 18, 2006 14:13

I forgot about livejournal. Somehow what with the boredom I got sucked into that myspace world everyone was talking about for the past three years i didn't care. But now it's all neat because my work friends and me share all kinds of good stuff on there. It's funny. Work is funny. Promotions and stuff rule. Now just to wiggle into and out of police academy smoothly. This is my only hope.

For the record, I'm worried because I haven't wiggled in forever.

50,000 a year or move back to california....these are my options..... I really have a hard time saying I wouldnt trade it to be back home... but money is nice and if i just stick it out goddamnit.

So, hows by people... that is, if I even have friends on here anymore. How are you?
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