
Apr 21, 2007 21:39

Jesus, Mary and Joseph! I'm sick again! =[ Woke up at 12 in the afternoon with a completely terrible headache and chills, etcetera. Fever of 101.6, dizziness, extreme dehydration. Drank approximately 6 bottles of water, tried to read, but couldn't keep my eyes open. What's more my hand brace smells like a corpse, which, according to my dad, is normal but it's only going to get worse. Jolly good. I feel like such a weakling - a whiny one, at that. Seems like all I can do is complain about all the stuff that's gone wrong. So... let me see if I can write about something fortunate and upward-looking.

Well, there's the fact that the school year is almost over. 
And that I'm going to Washington on Monday, if I'm well by then, which I should be, I just have to pack up tomorrow.
Europe draws closer, which means London, which means people with cool accents and, if I have some sort of mad stroke of luck, seeing an old family friend who I last saw in August. It'd be more luck for my mother, but still a nice thing. Oh, and fish & chips - can't forget that.
Also, my brother's birthday is approaching.
And I'm done with that God-forsaken play forvever... forever!
And I just watched a pretty decent movie with Hilary Swank, who always plays the part of a somewhat manly woman, but still manages to look beautiful, and has freakishly white teeth.

Might as well make a to-do list.
-Get clothing together for Monday
-Buy new headphones before Monday =(
-Finish reading TKAM
-Change cat litter
-Do poetry project for English
-Stop having urges to stab English teacher in the back because she's a whiny old biddy
-Stop talking to cat like she's a person and can understand what I'm saying
-Stop drawing on the underside of my uniform shoes - people can see what I write on there
-Buy Andrew B-Day present
-Remind self to pick up dress from WLAP, or else it'll be sitting there forever and I'll never wear it anyway
-Lighten up a bit. Listen to more music. Go for a walk once I have a clear head
-Stop writing about BL like an obsessed schoolgirl zombie
-Take another pain killer tonight
-Stop making to-do lists
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