Title: Life’s A Game We’re Still Learning How To Play…(3 - Chinese Whispers )
Author: hahns_girl
Pairing: Callica (but be patient for it)
Rating: PG-13?
Summary: What happens when a certain blonde cardio surgeon is back in town with more than one offer to make? (slightly AU) Unbeta'd, so all mistakes are my own and I do greatly appreciate them being pointed out!
Keeping with the AU track, the adorable little Sophia doesn't exist in this little universe (but I do have plans for an alternate storyline where she does which I'll post later)
Comments are greatly appreciated!
3 - Chinese Whispers
“No way!” came Meredith’s breathy, high pitched squeal as Cristina broke the news. “Hahn, as in Erica Hahn. The Erica Hahn who you hated and worshipped in equal measure?”
Cristina laughed. “That’s the one. Here look at these plans.” She passed Meredith the print-outs Erica had given her the night before as they walked. “This place is going to be AMAZING!”
“And Hahn really asked for you?”
Cristina smiled smugly. “She didn’t just ask, she came in person.”
Meredith raised an eyebrow.
“Last night when I was on my way out, there she was, sitting on a bench with a bottle of tequila.”
“You’re serious?” Meredith questioned. “Erica Hahn did that? Are you sure it was her?”
Callie’s head snapped up from the files she had been reading, the mention of Erica’s name instantly grabbing her attention.
Coming to stop at the nurses station, Mer laid out the print-outs for a better look. “The amount of funding going into this place is insane! You could build ten hospitals with this!”
Sidling closer, Callie cast her eyes over pages, although upside down from her position on the opposite side of the desk.
“So what are you going to do? I mean this is amazing,” said Mer, gesturing to the paperwork. “But you and Hahn working together, forgive me if that doesn’t sound like a bigger disaster than Keppner becoming a hooker.”
Cristina sighed. “I know, but you should have seen her last night. She’s changed, and get this. She said if I come into this with her, it’s as her equal.”
“Wow…” Meredith found herself at a loss for words.
Callie, however, did not. Finally dropping any pretence of being interested in something else she dropped her file on the desk. “You’re talking about Erica.” Two startled pairs of eyes met her own.
“Yes…” Yang answered carefully.
“You said she was here? Where?”
“She was here last night,” clarified Yang. “She offered me a job at a new cardio clinic.”
Callie’s tone was edging on desperate, and Cristina was suddenly unsure if giving Callie the information she wanted was the best thing for her. She had been one of the few people to see how Erica’s departure had truly broken the young woman. Living with her at the time it had been almost unavoidable. She remembered their mornings of crying into their cereal well. “Callie…”
“Where?” Callie repeated.
Callie took a few minutes to digest the information. “She’s back in Seattle,” she whispered, more to herself than the two young women standing in front of her. Two young women now sharing a rather worried glance.
“Calliope! There you are!”
Yang winced at the over cheery tone of one Arizona Robbins and watched as she bounced up to her girlfriend. Actually bounced. Cristina often wondered how Alex managed to stand working in peds with her.
“You still free for lunch?”
Cristina watched as Callie blinked back into reality, plastering a fake smile on her face and nodding. “Yeah. I’ll get you in the cafeteria. I just have a couple of things to check.”
The short blonde grinned and placed a kiss on Callie’s cheek, seemingly oblivious to the inner tumoil of the latina, before bounding her way back along the corridor.
With Arizona gone, Callie let her fake smile fall. Glancing up, she looked between Meredith the Cristina, opening her mouth as if to say something before quickly closing it and walking away…in the opposite direction of her girlfriend.
“Why do I feel like this is going to come back and bite us in the ass?” asked Yang after a few moments.