Callica graphics, fics, and challenge! Oh My!!!
Callica needs some fresh air. I propose a Callica exchange of graphics & fics. Porny, crack-a-lacka, angsty--whatever floats your boat. Small enough to fit in a comment box (500 words) or to take only a small portion of your time. Just like the environment or politics you can do your small part by contributing a little bit. If at least 4 people sign up we can get going :D (I think we have 6 confirmed, we'll see after the sign ups) (and some graphics folks too :) )
Retired from Callica and/or LJ? You can minimize the character of your choice by doing backstory, memory, or wish... And if you're not on LJ I could re-post for you or post a link to where you do still post such as dreamwidth or AO3. I could even host this also on Play_Space on dreamwidth.
Let's all pitch in and gather up some Callica in order to make this place thrive a little as we head into a new year.
Below is plagiarized exchange post so that I sound like I know what I'm doing. (Comments screened)
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Have you been dying to have someone write that Callie/Erica fic for you about aliens kidnapping Erica to the 4th quadrant of space and Callie cruising out to save her and a theatrical kiss with the credits at the end? Are you looking for an Erica/Callie banner, that takes you back to the original sweetness and chemistry that was Callica? If you're willing to pony up a little talent of your own, this is your chance to ask for it.
Callie/Erica, Callica/OC, Callica/other Grey’s, just keep it Callica…
For some of my Erica_Leaves friends this could be mostly Erica with a tiny dash of Callie in the form of a triggered memory, or a lesson learned, or something like that. Kind of de facto angsty Callica…
Signups: Now to December 10 at 12am PST (whatever CA is)
Assignments sent: December 10 to December 14 sent via LJ PM or my fic email:
Gift Postings Due: January 14 (Friday)
Master List Posted: January 21
Rules: follow Erica_Callie Rules, R and NC-17 posts are members only, and no RPF
• Taking part means you'll be creating a gift for someone, according to their wishes, and that someone will create a gift just for you.
• Fics must be at least 500 words long. Types of artwork can be requested (i.e. banner, icons, etc.) but no guarantees.
• In a comment to this post please comment with the information asked for below. Make sure to ask for a few things so that if your first choice isn't available you can still get something. The comments for this post will be screened, so everything will be hush-hush!
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Username: ____________
I would like to receive: art/fic/either ___________
I will be giving: art/fic/either _____________
The gift you want to receive
Pairing or trio?: (indicate Callica only or who Callica could be with) ________________
Short list of prompts, scenarious, kinks, etc: ________________
List of squicks, no-nos: _______________
Preferred rating: __________________
The gift you will be giving
Pairing or trio I'm comfortable to write/art: ______________________________
Pairing or trio I will not write/art: _____________________________
Prompt, scenarios, kinks I will not write/art: _______________________
Preferred rating: _____________
Are you willing to pinch hit? If someone is unable to complete their task... __________