Title: A Matter Of Physics 1/1
Author: Rachel
Rating: NC-17
Fandom: Buffy The Vampire Slayer/Grey's Anatomy
Pairing: Callie/Erica/Faith/Tara
Disclaimer: Not mine, will never be mine, though if anyone has a spare Sara Ramirez hanging around, I'll more than gladly take her. I don't own any characters herein, and I will return them (mostly) unharmed once I'm done playing. I am making no money from writing these stories. As a non-profit interpretation of the original work, this constitutes fair use under USC 17.107.
Summary: Callie accompanies Erica back to her hometown of Sunnydale and discovers that things aren't always what they seem.
Words: 15631 (in two parts)
Notes: For ladiesbigbang at DW . Beta'd by
mia_bell27 , who also played a huge part in the birth of the idea of this fic, thank you so much! <3
Super Important Note: Please
go check out and leave some love for the gorgeous artwork ranrata drew for this fic. It's wonderful <3<3<3 Thank you so much!
WARNING: This is not just a Callie/Erica fic. Pay attention to the pairing. If it's not your thing, I'm sure you know what to do.
A Matter of Physics