Nov 21, 2005 19:58

"yesterday is a wrinkle on your forehead"

If anybody wants some turkey, gimme a call. Apparently, every year my boss gives out these huge smoked turkeys to her employees. THEREFORE, I am now the proud owner of a 16+ pound turkey...how do I know it weighs 16 pounds? I weighed it on my bathroom scale...wrapped still, of course. It was funny. I have one of those digital scales and usually it just takes two blips and then says my weight. I put the turkey on there and the scale HESITATES for a while...I could almost hear it..."okay Erica...quit playing around...put more than your foot on the scale so we can get this over with...wait, that's not a foot...HOLY CRAP...this is a turkey! 16 pounds! 16 pounds!!" haha, so yeah, come on over tomorrow and have a turkey sandwich...please. If I eat that whole thing alone I'll never forgive myself.

I'm such an old woman already...I took up knitting now along with my established crocheting habit. Crocheting is my antidrug...you can't get AIDS from a crochet needle...well, maybe technically you can, but I doubt it's very common. "85 year old woman contracts AIDS virus from infected knitting needle". So yeah, if you want some turkey or a scarf or a blanket, let me know...my needles are ready...

I'm in the beginning stages of another migraine. I really need to go to the doctor to see what's up with my brain. I get those icepick headaches more often now too and I've NEVER had migraines til now. Maybe because I'm stressing myself out all the time...hrmmm...I'll take up yoga...that's supposed to de-stress you. Yoga and knitting...yep, I'm a PRIZE. No wonder all the guys are knocking at my door. What? They aren't? Okay, well if push comes to shove I can always hang that 16 pound turkey around my neck so that they'll flock to me. My own personal albatross...how special.

I HATE POWERPOINT. I don't care what it's for I just hate making those stupid presentations. Someone finish this one for me...I'll pay you...you know, in the love slave kind of payment...and don't forget the turkey...

Oh yes, the epiphany I declared to possess in my title above hardly qualifies as an epiphany. My mom jokingly asked me if I was bipolar the other day because one day I'll call her and be thrilled about something or someone and the next day I can't stand that person or thing I was once thrilled about. And I was wondering about that too...looking over my journal and seeing how quickly my mindset changes. But here's the deal: I simply realized that the things that TRULY matter to me: my God, my family, and my ministry and my relationships within those are all great. Those are the times when I'm thrilled. When I'm thinking about those things and how much I'm thankful for them. Everything looks so much easier and brighter when you look through your "God glasses". The things that SHOULD matter more to me but don't: school, finances, my future, etc AREN'T all put together and THOSE are the times when I'm upset. When I think about the mistakes I've made and all my failures in those areas. But you know, you just have to live and learn. Life is going to go on whether or not I get this project done up to par...I'm not going to perish or vanish into thin air now that I've screwed up some relationships. No one is going to steal my firstborn child because I jumped the gun with someone and got ahead of myself. Life just keeps trekking on and new people come into your life..better people for you. New things or places come into your life...better things for you...better places for you. I have a lot of things to learn about myself and other people before I start stamping areas of my life as failures...

"This is your life...are you who YOU wanna be?"

Peace, love you
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