
Aug 19, 2012 16:59

Title: Destiny
Summary: AU/OOC. Jade Valentine is the psychic vampire Sheriff of Area 5. What will Jade do when the queen sends Bill Compton to procure a Telepath? Will she let Sophie Ann get away with it or will she step in and interfere with the Queen's plans? Meanwhile, she notices an attraction between her friend and 2nd in command Eric Northman, and the Telepath.
Pairing(s): Eric/Sookie
Genre(s): Drama/Romance/Supernatural
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: None of the characters belong to me.

A/N: I don't own characters from the book or TV show, so please don't sue me! :)

Chapter 1

Jade Valentine is the sheriff of Area 5 in Shreveport, Louisiana. She had been the sheriff for over a hundred years and had the most organized area. Not a single vampire in her area dared to cross her. She had strict rules all vampires are supposed to follow. If any vampire broke protocol, they'd be severely punished. So when Jade makes the rules, Eric Northman enforces them, making sure all vampires do what they're supposed to. Eric was an old friend of hers and her second in command, but she also called him her lieutenant. They both had an arrangement, Eric allowed her to conduct sheriff business in his bar as long as Eric could handle punishing the vampires.

He took great pleasure in using his torture chamber in the basement to torture other vampires, Jade thought, chuckling.

She was sitting in her office at Fangtasia doing paper work when she heard a knock at the door.

"Enter." Jade said continuing her paperwork and her child Carrie Phoenix walked in.

"Sheriff, I have some news for you." She said with a hint of excitement in her voice. Jade looked up from her paperwork and looked at Carrie expectantly.

"Bad or Good?" she asked, smiling.

"Both." She said, sitting down in front of Jade's desk. Jade sighed.

"I'm listening."

"Well, Marcy just came from visiting the queen in New Orleans and she found out some very interesting information from one of the queen's pets." Carrie grinned. Jade quirked an eyebrow in curiosity and waved her hand impatiently, motioning for Carrie to continue.

"The queen sent Bill Compton to your area to procure a girl. A telepath named Sookie Stackhouse, who resides in Bon Temps." She said. Jade frowned.

"So the queen decided to not inform me she's procuring a telepathic human in my area." Jade growled. Carrie nodded her head. Jade stood from her chair and walked out her office with Carrie following behind her. They walked into the bar area, and Jade saw that Eric was sitting at his throne.

She crooked her finger at him and he appeared in front of her instantly. "Sheriff." Eric said, bowing his head.

"Eric, I need you to come with me to Bon Temps tonight." She asked.

"What are you planning to do?" Carrie said to Jade.

"What do you think? I'm going to go to Bon Temps to find the girl and hire her as a telepath for Area 5 of course. You really think I was going to let the queen get away with this? Knowing her, she'll make Compton use any method to procure her, so I'm stepping in and taking over this fiasco." Jade said. Eric looked at Jade in confusion.

"What's going on?" Eric asked.

"I'll explain on the way." She turned to her child.

"You and Pam watch the bar while we're gone. We'll be back sometime before sunset. Let's go, Eric." She said walking away. Eric followed behind her. Jade and Eric got into her Black Shelby Mustang GT 500. On they're way to Bon Temps, Jade explained to Eric how the queen sent Bill Compton to procure a telepath named Sookie Stackhouse and she was going to get to her before Compton did. Should be an interesting night, Eric thought.

"Oh really, she sent Compton? Why would she send someone as incompetent as Compton to procure a girl? She must really be desperate." Eric said with disgust. Jade chuckled.

"Incompetent indeed, old friend, I'm fully expecting her to throw a hissy bitch-fit. Once she finds out I've gotten to her new toy, she'll try to find some way to punish me. Sophie-Ann is crazier than a bag of cats, she's thinks because she's queen she has any sway over me. Ha! I'm over four thousand years old with enough dirt on her to make her look dirtier than a sleazy hotel! Let that bitch try and fuck with me!" Jade laughed.

"You know that's treason right and its punishable by the true death!" Eric said coolly. Jade snorted.

"Pfft, whatever man. No one hasn't been able to kill me since my transformation over 1500 years ago. What makes you think the Magister or the Authority can pull it off?" Jade said.

"I'm just warning you…be careful. You're no good to anybody if you're dead." Eric said.

"I will, old friend. I certainly didn't live four thousand years for nothing." Jade said pulling the car into the parking lot of Merlotte's. They got out the car and walked through the doors.

Eric and Jade both stood in front of the bar looking around and scanning the place. Eric looked stoic as usual and Jade smiled. She finally decided to sit down in a booth and Eric sat across from her. As they waited for a waitress to serve them, she looked around looking for Sookie Stackhouse; the telepath the queen sent Bill Compton to procure. When Jade heard about this she had to step in, interfere and hire the girl for herself. No one does anything in Jade's area without her knowing about it. She had eyes and ears everywhere.

Jade was mighty pissed that the queen decided to side step her authority and kidnap a human without her permission. Well, her luck just ran out. Now that jade beat Sophie-Ann to punch, she was gonna have to go through the sheriff of area to use the telepaths services. Jade felt gleeful.

Now that she thought about it, how did the queen know about the telepath and she didn't? How did a telepath stay under the radar for so long? What's so special about this gal? Jade planned to find out soon.

She turned her attention to Eric who had his eyes glued to something. Jade could tell by the lustful look in his eyes, it was a woman. Jade turned her attention in the direction of Eric's eyes and smiled broadly. Bingo, just the girl I've been looking for, Jade thought.

A blonde girl with a bright smile on her face approached they're table, with a pen and pad in her hand.

"Hello, I'm Sookie, you're server. What can I getcha?" She said with excitement in her voice.

A/N: Like it? Love it? Hate it? Neutral? Tell me what you think!

sookie stackhouse, true blood, eric northman, southern vampire mysteries, fanfiction, svm

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