Jul 21, 2006 09:53
I think I should update this motherfucker, huh?
Ok, so. Since my last entry, I've been pretty much done nothing but talk on AIM and draw in the 2006 Oekaki Brawl. I've been really enjoying myself. But I need to get back into practicing anatomy and coloring. I need to keep getting better. I need to draw cool stuff while I still am physically able. Not to pressure myself or anything.
Speaking of physical, I've started taking this "probiotic" stomach bacteria supplement thing just this morning. It's to help your body more readily accept vitamins, minerals, and all that. I'm gonna see if this will make me feel any stronger and maybe gain more weight. It sounds pretty promising.
I've also started looking into relaxation techniques to help me with my death phobia. It's become pretty unbearable, I'm sorry to say. I keep thinking about what it'd feel like to die, and how it's unavoidable. I'm sure lots of people fear death, but mine could happen soon, and I get so anxious and scared about it. And that's horribly unhealthy. So I'm looking into meditation in various forms to help relieve my fears. I'm determined to free myself and enjoy my life while I'm alive. I need to relax.
But my friends make it easier to cope. Savana helps calm me dow, Sam's just... weird haha, and I've been calling up Alanna every weekend. Those phone calls mean so much to me. They make me so happy. They make me aware that there's a world beyond this room. That there are real people out there that love me. And Alanna is such a sweetheart and is entertaining to talk to. She makes me laugh because she's a weird lady. And she sounds like a puppy when she yawns. It amuses me horribly. Right now the two of us are working on a Rey parody comic. It'll be awesome.
Well, I need to get drawing. Later, gaters!