May 17, 2006 10:15
With tens of thousands of employees at Microsoft, many of whom have first name Eric last name something starts with L, I get a fair amount of misdirected mail. For example:
From: Gloria
Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2006 9:49 AM
To: Eric Lippert
can you review this for accuracy, please? This is an addition to the Help for ad hoc networks.
If you share your Internet connection by setting up an ad hoc wireless network, be aware that it will be shared only for that session. When you restart your computer, the connection will not be shared unless you explicitly share it again.
It is possible to unintentionally share an Internet connection. For example, you could set up an ad hoc network and share your Internet connection. Then a friend or co-worker could log on to the same computer by using Fast User Switching. In this case, the Internet connection will still be shared. Only restarting the computer will end the Internet connection sharing.
From: Eric Lippert
Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2006 9:56 AM
To: Gloria
I base my interactions with my own wireless network under the assumption that tiny "packet gnomes" who live in the router hand off the packets to "packet faeries", who fly the packets around my house until they find my computer's packet gnomes.
I haven't the faintest idea how all those gnomes and faeries interact with the Fast User Switching Demon or the Internet Connection Sharing Unicorn.
As far as I'm concerned, it's all magic.
Did you perhaps intend to ask this question of someone who knows actual facts about networking? If you have questions about the design and implementation of lambda function binding in C# 3.0, I'm totally your guy, but I rely on my friends to set up my network for me.
From: Gloria
Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2006 10:02 AM
To: Eric Lippert
okay, I guess that means it’s good to go. ;-)