Then you are truly missing something great.
Written by the great Alex Warlorn, it can be found at this link right here: Just go about a quarter to a third of the way down and you'll find the right links to start off.
and it is easily, far and away one of the VERY best MLP fanfics I've ever seen. It goes into characterization to an extent that would be a credit to some major published authors, and it is a brilliant deconstruction of the series -- with the added benefit that it then rebuilds it all. This doesn't tear everything down to try and make Equestria into a Crapsack World. It makes the lives of the characters difficult, and shows you that people and ponies alike don't just bounce back from mental trauma like it didn't exist... while at the same time having the virtues of the show shine through. Love, integrity, compassion, trust and friendship all win in this series, and most important of all they do so believably. Seriously, the plot is professional-level writing.
It also builds up its own pantheon and universe in the stories, showing us the various iterations of the Pony-verse as previous 'incarnations' of the current setting and characters. I look at how Alex Warlorn did it and I wonder why the pros can't do this good a job.
Don't spend any more time here, go and read this truly epic saga!