If you like 60's-70's SF...

Nov 19, 2010 22:56

Then you'll love Infinite Space, Infinite God II!

The rest is from the author on one of the stories with his permission:

Twelve science fiction stories featuring great adventure with a twist of
faith. Infinite Space, Infinite God II spans the gamut of science fiction, from near-future dystopias to time travel to space opera, puzzles of logic to laugh-out-loud humor and against-the-clock suspense. A great read for any science fiction fan; a must-read for those seeking something new in their fiction,

The Ghosts of Kourion by Andrew Seddon: A grieving professor escapes back in time to live among a doomed people.

Antivenin by Karina Fabian: Rescue Sister Rita takes on a ship full of venomous snakes in order to save a friend.

An Exercise in Logic by Barton Paul Levenson: How do you convince an infuriatingly logical race to stop an asteroid?

Cathedral by Tamara Wilhite: A genetically engineered human spends the last of her tortured days righting her wrongs.

Otherworld by Karina Fabian: Does sin really count when it's virtual?

The Battle of the Narthex by Alex Lobdell: An alien battle in a most unusual setting--tickles the funny bone and touches the heart!

Tenniel by Colleen Drippe': The battle for souls becomes a battle to the death.

Tin Servants by J Sherer: In order to serve his people, Paul becomes an android--but can he really care for them as a tin servant?

Basilica by John Rundle: Caprizo battles machines and thwarts an enemy armada to keep a doomsday weapon from their hands

Cloned to Kill by D. Mak: How can a man of peace protect a clone designed to kill?

Frankie Phones Home by Karina Fabian: A sixteen-year-old alien abductee calls her family on the way back for official First Contact.

Dyads by Ken Pick and Alan Loewen: Enter the fascinating culture of the Thalendri in a story of intrigue, terrorism and religious tolerance.

Available on Amazon.com in paperback and Kindle.

I will add that it's also available through http://www.barnesandnoble.com

And let me add my highest personal recommendation for Dyads. I read the rough of it & the final draft, and it is amazing. Think classic Andre Norton or Poul Anderson space opera for tone and the use of setting, and some incredibly well-done characterization for both humans and alien alike.

I'm going to be getting a copy, and I hope some of you do too; because this is something to be treasured.

good writing, science fiction, anthropomorphics, christianity

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