For those interested in history or Ireland

Mar 31, 2010 11:37

A nice new book from Osprey Publications that you might like: Galloglass 1250-1600 AD

It's one of their 'Warrior' books, covering Irish mercenaries called (what else?) the Galloglasses (or Gallaglach, or Gallowglasses), their weaponry, armor, organization, social background, etc. back in the good old days when if an Irishman wanted to smack around the base, brutal, bloody Saxon, he didn't have to wait for the next soccer riot.

I know I've got some Irish/Gaelic types here, so I figured some of you might be interested in the book. Pity it didn't come out in time for Saint Patty's day.

Best all.

archaeology, military, warriors, history, arms & armor, ireland

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