More computer troubles

Mar 15, 2010 12:35

Well, the blasted computer is acting up again. It's been running just fine for a few days. But now it starts out running just fine when I go online, and then after 20-30 minutes starts running very sluggishly, often simply refuses to upload internet pages (I get a 'page will not load from internet' message), and last night even refused to run the net security program the repairman installed 'for free' even after I tried three times.

And it won't shut down normally -- when I go for the 'Turn Off Computer' command it simply starts to run it... and then stalls out, forcing me to do an emergency shutdown.

Any idea on what's wrong? The viruses were all cleared out, or so I've been told, so it theoretically shouldn't be that.

Do I just need more memory? The repairman did say I should get more (what's the memory on a Toshiba Netbook, anyway?) after he installed the Trend Micro Internet and Malwarebytes Anti-Malware on it. Do I really need those programs, or would AVG be enough? Most people I know of use the latter.

I would really appreciate an end to these computer problems.

computer trouble

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