For a few years now, every time I see the name of Jeremy Bernal mentioned online, it's typically either preceded or followed by curses and denunciations.
Why?Because the man defends his artwork? Because he will use lawyers to force art thieves to stop ripping him off? Because he doesn't give it away for nothing? Or is there something else that
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B) Who is Sibe?
Sibe is like, the polar opposite of Bernal. (possibly NSFW, since it IS ED) There used to be more on his ED page, but it looks like it's been bawwwwleted. :( Sibe is also notorious for doing a lot of really awful things to fellow furs.
Really? How? I've tried buying a brief membership with a prepaid debit card, but it didn't work.
And I agree about his level of quality. Even if you don't like erotica, his skill is breath-taking.
SexyFur was *well* worth the money, if you ask me. There were a virtual TON of images... some by other artists, and some of which I didn't care for, but holy crap, NICE works. o_O Even the fetishy stuff (that I don't normally go for) was beautiful.
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