I can't takes no more! Rant about Christianity and RPGing

Oct 04, 2008 11:57

I'll keep this brief.

I get so insanely sick and tired of the folks on one forum complaining constantly about how Deh Evil Right-Wing Xian Conspiracy is stopping them from enjoying their games by whipping up this maelstrom of anti-gamer sentiment (which I've yet to see) and is 'killing the arts' by making sure that no sex or nudity can be found in modern American entertainment (says which?)

In my whole life, I've been warned about RPGs exactly three times by Christians -- once by my admittedly conservative/evangelical cousin and his wife, who asked no more than that I "please don't bring it into our house", which is their privilege -- and twice by various social gospel preachers at my church, who warned me that the game would make you violent and was probably written by Republicans or something. I wish I was making that up.

That aside, seeing just how religious an area I still live in, if there was an 'anti-gamer crusade' I think I'd have heard more about it.

Whatever the problem is, guys, blaming it on the Conservative Christian Boogeyman isn't impressing anyone.

paranoia, rant, roleplaying, christianity

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