Aug 20, 2006 10:21
Last few days have been pretty interesting, started out like my typical week does working 6-3 but almost everyday after work has been an adventure this week. Monday Og, Sean, Jeff, and I looked at some apartments in Tam valley that seemed alright and than continued on to have dinner and such and I scared the living crap out of all of them after going over some bridge in front of the asian deli or something all I know is that they were screaming a lot lol maybe to freak me out...either way I had a good time and really hope we can land a decent place together I think we'd do pretty well. Than on wednesday after work I came home and started some laundry to find that Mr. Evan Crocket needed me to install a video card for him which at first I was apprehensive about but ended up having a really good time and see a completely different side to someone I wasn't sure I'd ever see outside of work. Than Og, Sean, Jeff, and I ended up eating at subway again and than went clothes shopping for jeff's training to be with us!! :) and I blew a large amount of money on shorts I shouldn't have haha. Went to jeff's hot tub and had some good times. Than last night Erin and I went out for dinner at the cheesecake factory and ate ourselves to death just about and it was great, though we missed snakes on a plane which was kind of a bummer mainly cuz everyone else had already gone not really for the movie heh. Now its time to clean up the apt a bit and enjoy the weekend :)
Though after closely reading some lj's and myspaces I have realized why I'm sometimes kinda down. I don't think I have a place or at least feel like I have a place here, I was in chico practically my whole life and left wishing I could have stayed. I've met some incredible friends here though I realize I'm still not a close friend of anyone, I think its just an odd feeling sort of like missing something that used to be there. Anywho I think it's really just part of growing up, seemingly the hardest part so far. In retrospect I'm damn fortunate lately, finally got out of geek squad, making a good amount of money, I'm with the most wonderful girl I've ever known and I have some really great friends. I honestly couldn't ask for anything more. :)