
Jul 31, 2010 15:53

We'd said we'd keep in touch.
But touch is not something you can keep;
as soon as it's gone, it's gone.
We should've said we'd keep in words,
because they are all we can string between us -
words on a telephone line, words appearing on a screen.


You don't see the planets
when you're staring at the sun.
You just get blinded.


The only way out of the labyrinth of suffering
is to forgive.


A lot of times, people die how they live.
And so last words tell a lot about who people were,
and why they became the sort of people
biographies get written about.


Perfection isn't what matters.
In fact, it's the very thing that can destroy you
if you let it.


The reason why a seesaw was made for two persons
is that when you go down,
there would always be someone there
to lift you up again.


There is no pleasure in having nothing to do,
the fun is in having lots to do and not doing it.


The people you love become ghosts inside of you
and like this you keep them alive.


When you love someone,
you don't give up.


She was a girl that spoke her mind, never played games, and acted confident when she could barely stand looking in the mirror. She didn't gloat of her achievements, or tell of them even though she had many. She lived in mistakes, in past regrets, and she's just beginning to realize that sometimes, you can't change things, that you can't go back in the past and sometimes, you just have to move on because life's too short to dwell on the unchangeable.


After all that’s said and done, I still think you’re amazing. I still cherish every moment I ever spent with you and every smile you brought to my face. I’ll forever be thankful that someone like you was brought into my life, even if it had to be taken away too soon. See, you were my miracle; you were my fairytale I got to live.


You had me. For the millionth time, you had me. I know I said I would never come back, I said I'd never do this again. But here I am, lying in your bed and I can't remember a thing I've ever said.


Life would be perfect if: some girls had mute buttons, some guys had edit buttons, bad times had fast forward buttons, and good times had pause buttons.


Here comes the big punch line I've been dying to give: I don't really need you like I used to, and you can walk out that door, through the back woods and pretend we never happened. It'll all be the same, but you'll be the coward. You were the one always looking for a way out.


It's like I was chasing after you and I really, really wanted to catch you.. But now I realized if you wanted to be caught, you would have stopped running.


Grow taller and taller, your standards grow higher and higher. Unreachable. Unobtainable. The desire is gone, you've broken my brain: filled it with cuts and bruises. Unfixable by anyone but you, because your hands can heal me, but your hands always harm me.


& I don't hate myself, just the things I do. But I hope you see that I'm trying to improve.


Remember, people will judge you by your actions, not your intentions.


Sometimes I think a soul mate is someone who will make you be the most “you” that you can possibly be.


I drink coffee like water and I still never know what to say. I still don’t know how to get out of bed half the time. It’s not pretty, or endearing. I whisper you secrets, I am still looking to be saved. Sometimes I am so weak, sometimes I am so strong. Here you go, I’ll give you everything for one more chance. My heart is ugly, but it could be all yours.


Not to spoil the ending for you, but everything is going to be okay.


Sometimes skulls are thick. Sometimes hearts are vacant. Sometimes words don’t work.


I don’t understand how you can smile all day long but cry yourself to sleep at night. How pictures never change but the people in them do. How your best friend can become your worst enemy, or how strange it is when your worst enemy turns into your best friend. How forever turns into a few short months that you’d do almost anything to get back. How you can let go of something you once said you couldn’t live without. How even though you know something is best for you, it just hurts the same. How the people you once wanted to spend every second with you, think a few minutes of their time is too much to spare. How people make promises despite knowing how common it is for promises to be broken. How people can erase you from their lives just because it’s easier than working things out.


She hides herself with music. She never shows her feelings; always keeping things bottled up inside. I’d hate to see the day she exposes it all. When she tells you how you’ve made her feel, you’ll never be able to look at her the same way every again. Never.


I’ve been the rebound, the challenge, the fall back, and the girlfriend. I’ve been the mistake and the correction. One day someone will love me for what I’ve been and what I am, where I’ve been and where I am. One day, someone will love me for me. So love me 'cause you can, and not because you should.

Maybe we’ll live and learn; maybe we’ll crash and burn. Maybe you’ll stay, maybe you’ll leave, and maybe you’ll return. Maybe another fight, maybe we won’t survive. But, maybe we’ll grow.


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