Dec 12, 2010 18:08
So MN did the blizzard attack. It has officially made everyone faint, white out and end up where ever they last started their venture.
I've been leveling up my pokemon.
I'm hyped for the new one.
I gave my sister my copy of diamond for holiday. Since my brother wouldn't play it.
A cat peed in my room. That is the end of my door being open when I'm not in my room.
BBC radio is my new favorite thing. The app for my phone is great for in the morning. When I wake up I just turn it on and listen whilst stretching and pretending like I shouldn't be rushing.
I obtained by way of gift a bag, of 365 wintogreen mints. They are nearly half gone.
Roxy moved back home to Alaska. The state now has a reason to visit.
I gave my mom her hanuka gift early so I could utilize mine from Fran.
All in all a win/win
Ironically for cutting my hours at the clinic, it has barely applied since we've been to busy for me to actually leave, plus I'll have 10-12 hours overtime.
I'm heading to LA in a week. Just for the weekend. It shall be grand.
I'll return for a day and a half of work and then its X-mas/new years break. I presume I shall get some work done if not a lot. I don't aim high.
Things have to get worse before they get completely better. I think I'm at the point of things getting better. Or at least I'll pretend it is.