Wow. Finished it just as the sun was coming up.
I'm still basking in afterglow of just Harry Potter in general. Of course, I have to reread it before I rank it with the other book (I always read a HP book twice before I rank it).
1. Tom Marvolo Riddle kicks it like no other, once again proving to be a great character read as he morphs into Lord Voldemort. I loved the backstory to Lord Moldyshorts.
2. I was surprised Neville was reduced to only a few cameos. I was wondering if anything extraordinary would be revealed about him, however…JK Rowling might have slipped in something subtle.
3. Wow. The Romance. This was the book to end all shipping wars. There was an incredible amount of making out in the book. That was a surprise…Ron/Lavender, Hermione/Krum kiss revealed, Hermione/McLaggen to make Ron jealous, implied Ron/Hermione, implied Draco/Pansy (though it’s probably one-sided), Ginny/Dean, Harry/Ginny, Tonks/Remus, Bill/Fleur. They’re all predictable ‘ships and what made them the slightest bit in anyway surprising I guess was because I was thinking it was going to be more obscure pairings. Remus/Tonks felt cliche, but whatever makes those two happy. The thing with Tonks was funny though. There was a point when I was wondering, "What the connecting between Draco and Tonks?" because I seriously thought there was something going on (in a non-romantic way, you crazy shippers). But back on romance, I actually sort of wished there wasn't so much emphasis on it all of the sudden in transition from Book 5. That's just me personally.
4. I’m okay with Ginny/Harry. Before I read a Harry Potter book, I clear my mind of all preference (or at least I try to) so I never really feel anything strong about Ginny. I guess the reason why I’m more okay with Ginny this time around is because has filled her bitchier role quite nicely. Rowling's rule is law and canon is canon.
5. Little kids aren’t going to like the book because it has more talk and drawn out character development than just fluffy hocus pocus.
6. I loved Snape the Wildcard. Dumbledore was predicted to die, but I never actually thought about how he was going to die exactly. And then Snape kills him on behalf of Draco…that was amazing to read. All the Snape fans and their wibble Snape the Lover Hero Guy...a big HA HA. :D
7. The Award of Sudden Upheaval of Character Development to a Normally Cardboard Character goes to Draco Malfoy hands down. Hm...him and Moaning Myrtle? Narcissa and Bellatrix were interesting to read about too. It wasn't until 2/3rds through the book did I realize, "Hey, the H/D shippers are going to go crazy." It was that one line about Harry's mind being far away from Quidditch and being obsessed with Draco that really triggered. Draco may be "stupid", but he's clearly not that stupid. HE SMASHED HARRY'S FACE and even though I love my Harry Wafflecone*cough* *cough*, I really got a kick out of mean!Draco. Not just bratty!bully!Draco, but truly mean. I like his scene with Dumbledore, even if it was a bit of the talk-lots-no-kill cliche.
8. Luna Lovegood has still got it in her! XD
9. REGULUS REGULUS REGULUS! Dude, you know he's RAB!
10. Dumbledore and the Pensieve was too much of a clutch for Harry. I'm actually glad Dumbledore died, for literary purposes. (Haha, I think the movie producers are going to have a fit when they realize how much of the movie is just going to be talking...) I'm really sad that Harry's not returning to Hogwarts (Well, he will, I know, but not full year)---I'm going to miss all the secondary characters.
11. The potions teacher was not that exciting. OotP had better new characters.
12. If you're looking for an action-packed, more fantasy book, I guess this isn't your cup of tea. But I loved all the sweet little character development bits.
14. So all the MWPP era info is going to be saved for Book 7, huh? Awww....
Anything I've left out will be added in any upcoming posts under lj-cut.
No long-drawn out analytical nitpick on the book though because I'm in a state of Afterglow and I can't be one of those people who seem to whip out essays and whatnot as soon as they finish reading Harry Potter. So instead I'll be a happy little ray of sunshine. XD