Fridays make me happy. The prospect of no school for a while just puts a bounce in people's steps.
This is Priscilla. She really does look like that, except minus the retro glasses now. (Her perscription was old anyway since her eyesight has gotten worse) And now I shall stop talking in third person. Priscilla the Rent Genie even has her own bachelorette pad magic genie lamp that is located in Jepha Sexyboot's pineapple which is really a metaphor of the world and is shaped like an arse. Because we are humans and humans like their arse. And their pineapple metaphors. Jepha Sexyboots is the WTF!Spongebobified version of Jepha from The Used. His boots must be so sexyful because people have even virtually molested them. People who are lj users that will remain nameless.
marionnettes Priscilla the Rent Genie commands you to do her holy bidding (translation: the following meme).Filched shamelessly from
chem_nerd, who filched shamelessly from
misscam and
Post a list of say ... 10 TV shows/books/movies you like
- Have your friends list guess your favourite character and couple from each show
- When the favorite character is guessed, bold the line and write a sentence about why you like that character. When the favorite couple is guessed, italicize the line and explain why you love that ship
- Post in your own livejournal
1. Harry Potter
Sirius is one of my favorite characters, along with another. I love Sirius for the way his character was written. He obiously isn't perfect, is very flawed--which causes his downfall. And I've always liked that. I love his Peter Pan syndrome that I can relate to. I luff all his moments. He's just a thoroughly interesting character to read and obsess about.
2. Lord of the Rings
Boromir is my favorite character because...I just do! Unlike Aragorn, who was brought up by Elves, he was "the real man" of the Fellowship. He made a mistake and later sacrificed himself for Merry and Pippin. He's like the fallen hero in a way. Psh, Aragorn is too goodygoody. Unlike Boromir!
Faramir/Eowyn---yes, the vanilla of Lord of the Rings shippage. Well, I like Eowyn. And I like her with Faramir. And it's canon. The End.
3. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Spike is like the antihero. He's the snarky, bleached blonde, horny, British, rogue vampire. How can you NOT like him? I love the depth that comes with his character, his "temper tantrums", the way he thinks he's so badarse, everything! He starts out as an antagonist of some sorts, becomes neutral--but highly suspicious, and then is kicking bum for Buffy's side. And he's still not the kind of guy you want to bring home to mommy and daddy. I'm a sucker for antiheroes.
4. Digimon <---mwahahaha, suckers!
5. Romeo and Juliet (I don't like the storyline to tell you the truth, but I do have a favorite character and a favorite ship...because my mind works in mysterious ways during English class)
Benvolio...I don't know. I just like him.
Benvolio/Mercutio because it's obiously boy friendship borderlining homosexuality. Obviously.
6. Saiyuki
7. Yami no Matsuei
8. ...Greek Mythology! (no favorite 'ship though)
9. X/1999
And I stopped at 9. :/
Now do the meme or be smited to the urple depths of...urpleness. (Had to pimp OFUM somehow, of course)