"(Paul Berg) Protein Synthesis: An Epic on the Cellular Level" on Google Video
This is epic. My gosh, this is amazing! Science majors rejoice in the beauty of the ribosome, embodied by undulating humans.
This is frikin' hillarious.
THe official description from Google Video:
On an open field at Stanford University in 1971, several hundred students convened to undulate and impersonate molecules undergoing protein synthesis by a ribosome. A few were trained dancers, wearing costumes and colored balloons to identify their roles; most were recruited with the promise of fun and refreshments.
But make no mistake: despite the flower-power feel and psychedelic strains of the "Protein Jive Sutra," this is serious science. The narrator is Nobel laureate Paul Berg, who explains the process in a prologue that introduces the leading players, such as 30s Ribosome, mRNA, and Initiator Factor One.