guess what's inside my can!

Nov 27, 2004 13:36

Grocery shopping doesn't have to be dull. It can be tolerable, even exhilerating. For example, last time I graced the isles of Logli supermarket with Kitty, we passed the reduced items rack. We paused, looked at each other, and proceeded to dig through the baskets of damaged, expired, or just plain weird items. Puppy chow... ham glaze... Christmas Crunch... an obliterated can of creamed corn... I stood unintrigued. But then! I saw a silver cyllinder in Kitty's hand- a can lacking a label. She was cruelly mocking in for its nakedness, and I felt deep sympathy for the can.

"It's a mystery can!" I exclaimed with gusto. The can was marked 25 cents. "I'll buy it, lets take it home." So we did. A simple consumer activity has now blossomed into a full blown event. We are now putting 50 cents down to guess on the contents of the can after examining, smelling, shaking, licking, or doing whatsoever we please to the can. It is a competitive sport, and we are bursting with excitement until the point where we get to reveal the mystery of the can, tonight, after 5 family members have submitted their votes. I am going to win, I can feel it. Anyone care to take a risk-free shot at it?

(my contest assistant, little Kitty, showcases the can)
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