Apr 14, 2007 03:38
My girlfriend has threatened to kill herself tonight after a long conversation with her about the stuff I posted below. She said that she can never love someone as much as me and that life isn't worth living if we can't be together :(. I'm really afraid she might do it - she has already hurt herself, at least from what she's told me..to what extent I don't know :(. I'm across the country from her so I can't monitor her and make sure she's ok. I don't even have her phone number. I've been sending a constant stream of messages begging her to respond and giving her the number of a suicide hotline, but it's been almost an hour with no response. I really hope she doesn't do anything really serious to herself tonight :(
I said that I loved her and wanted to be with her forever, not a week before. And I felt like I meant it. How could I do this? God, I don't know what's wrong with me. This only came up seriously in the past few days and now it's enough to ruin a relationship? I guess I somehow thought that she wanted to be with someone else in the end or would be happier with someone else given things she said in the past, but I guess I took for granted just how much she loves me. Maybe I just want to feel distant because I'm afraid of being close to anyone?
I thought she would accept this more easily because I felt like we were starting to hit a dead end and were just constantly arguing and making each other miserable and I thought she shared that feeling :(. I love her, but I can't be in a relationship that makes me insane and miserable every day. She seems to think we can work it out because we love each other, but it just feels like she's marginalizing the communication problems we've always had, indepedent of this whole guy thing. I feel like if she wasn't so afraid of being rejected that she could see that. This is why I was afraid to even bring any doubts up. I really just hope she doesn't hurt herself any more :(
Thanks for the support, the couple people who responded. I haven't done anything to deserve it :(