(no subject)

Mar 08, 2007 20:35

I suppose since I declared my glorious return, I should post here more than once a year.

The last year has been, well, pretty much the same as any other year.  I work, I play, I find solace in my hobbies and my friends.  I left retail hell about 4 months ago and am now working in consulting hell, where I answer to an idiot, who makes me do meaningless tasks to satisfy his need for stability and logs.  Not the good kind of Log, made of wood and rolls down stairs, alone or in pairs.  No the 5 Gigs of log files that no one in their right mind would sift through.  Funny story, I have become a draw to that place.  Sandy told me about it, Charlie came in soon after, and now Shurley is working there, while a friend I play Mech with applied and may get a second interview.

I've pretty much immersed myself into the concept of playing MMORPG's and actually role-play.  Though I was made fun of by Listy, who accused me in engaging in freaky orc butt sex.  I expect that from him, so I let it slide.  I think he was also upset that I wouldnt play Warcraft III with him online.  So that has bled into other games, like DnD and recently a LARP called Triumph.  Its rather intriguing to approach the game as a character as opposed to a set of stats.  Its actually quite rewarding.

Tomorrow I leave for South Carolina to visit the Cap'n and partake in drunken debauchery of the nth degree.  Chad, Teller, Charlie and myself are piling into a car that none of us own and driving for the pure joy of it, into SC, where I will likely drop trou and mark my territory, likely after a lot of beer.  I'm pretty stoked actually.  Its been a while since Ive done this and I think I could really, really use the break from this place.

I had a realization today of just how wide my circle of friends is.  You don't really think about it, until you have, say, an old friend you havent seen in probably 3 yrs working with you, while talking to an online friend you made last year, and chatting with RP buddies from Dayton and the West.  Not to mention that D&D has started again, which brings the mighty Kilgore out of law school hell once a week.  I must admit, I really know a lot of people, and that those people like me in some form or fashion.  Staggering piece of info there.

May is when the ever charming and lovable Tasha makes a sojourn to columbus for more drunken debauchery and a concert.  Of which, I am accompanying her.  I've never been with her to a concert, and from her stories, this also mildly worries me.  I'm sure she'll protect me from the weird concert freaks.

Thats all for now.  My Guiness is almost finished and I could use another.  Be well, and stay out of trouble this weekend.

....I'll be in enough for all of us.
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