[OOC] Gender Issues

Dec 20, 2010 18:17

Theta herself is uncertain about her own gender issues. She hasn't fully figured out what she really is and is still trying to figure it out.

She considers herself to have -both- genders, though she entertains the idea that she is neither.

This isn't going to be something she'll sort out easily!

Theta is comfortable with her body being female as it is and sees it as entitling her to claim both genders as hers. She uses female pronouns simply because she's tired of correcting the people that say 'she', but she prefers the masculine form of gender-specific words (ie 'businessman' or 'gentleman') and to refer to herself as a man ("I am a man of science"), while she is all right with being "Miss Buckley", though she prefers 'sir' if it's on its own (ie "pardon me, sir").

NSFW!! Jiz Lee explains GenderQueer. Theta identifies very, very similarly to Jiz.

From the babby adventures, six year old Theta explains herself ICly:

I'm both. [She grins again. It makes sense to her.]

Miss Buckley, but sir by itself, [she counts off on her fingers] She, but boy. Girl out here, [she indicates her face and body] but boy up here. [She puts a finger on her temple.]

That keeps it half and half. [She puts her hands out like two sides of a scale and wobbles them about before holding them even.]

So why can six year old Theta explain it succinctly while twenty one year old Theta is a confused mess about it?

Because at six years old, Theta has mostly interacted with her supportive, accepting parents.  She knows that people outside her family don't understand, but mummy and daddy are still the defining point of what is okay and what isn't. As she's grown up and seen more and more of the world outside of her house, she has been marginalised by society and had people ignore her gender identity, enough to the point that she's started wondering if she is just making it up or being silly. She's essentially going in a great big circle--she'll eventually come back to that very same outline she's known since she was about three or four, but she has to spend some time struggling with wondering if it's really possible to define herself that way.

Theta and Clothing

As far as Theta's clothing preferences....it's not just that she wears men's clothes (though she wears enough of them that it's crossed the line into being tacky by her society's standards), but also that she's very confrontational about it, in a passive aggressive way. She doesn't just wear them, she draws attention to them. The simple note about her cravat being bright green isn't just that it's her favourite colour, it's that she wants people to stare at it (bright colours aren't common). She'll tip her hat to people...even people she wouldn't have greeted otherwise, just to make sure you notice she's wearing a man's hat. All in all, it's not -just- what she wears but how she -carries- herself as a result of wearing them, and also a bit of a combination with her antics independent of her clothing. If she were polite and a reasonable human being about everything -else-, being dressed in close to full drag wouldn't get more than a few raised eyebrows. But because she's off the rails in -other- areas, her clothes get a "and she can't even dress herself without causing a scene!!!"
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