Sep 02, 2006 14:18
...and sometimes, they are scary accurate:
Friday Sept. 1, 2006:
You might be thinking about issues concerning intimacy today, as your feelings heat up. It's time to revitalize a current relationship or consider establishing a new one, even if you have recently been through a dry spell. And although love may be on your mind, remember that you have more time than you think. There's no need to rush into anything too quickly.
and Saturday Sept. 2, 2006:
You have entered into an electrical storm and your nervous system is sending and receiving impulses faster than your logical mind can decipher them. Anyone else would probably be totally stressed, but for you this is refreshing, even exciting. It may take more than you realize to keep up with it all, but there is potential for revolutionary change. Be ready to act quickly so you can tip the scales more in your favor.