Copied from Kenazfiction, a chance to hone your writing skills or just have a good time with some new characters or old favourites :D
I've done it three times and each time have needed people to talk to and good beta help, I have learned a lot and I have ended up with stories I am pleased I wrote, which I would never otherwise have written.
Sign-ups begin Saturday, April 25, 2009 and will close at midnight (GMT-5:00) on Sunday, May 10, 2009.
Sign up now for Ardor in August 2009!
From the Years of the Trees through the Fourth Age - it’s time once again to make your Tolkien FPS fanfic dreams come true...
Have you always wanted to read a certain pairing or scenario, but couldn’t write it yourself? Or have a plot bunny that’s been rolling around in your mind, but just can’t see yourself writing that particular story?
Have it written for you - specifically and especially for your own sweet self! And share your own fic gift in exchange -
That’s right, it’s time for Ardor in August brought to you by the same folks who sponsor the renowned Slashy Santa and My Slashy Valentine Exchanges.
This year, the exchange will focus solely on the Elves, Men, Valar and Maiar of J.R.R. Tolkien's legendarium. Maybe it’s Gildor and Glorfindel you love, or perhaps Boromir-on-Theodred strikes your fancy... or maybe Maedhros is your main man - from the First Age to the Fourth, from sultry tales of the Silmarillion to Ring War romances and beyond - spread the word, recruit your friends and fellow authors, and have some fun!
Sign-ups begin Saturday, April 25, 2009 and will close at midnight (GMT-5:00) on Sunday, May 10, 2009. First-time participants must upload their stories by August 2, 2009, and returning participants must upload their stories by August 9. Stories will be unveiled on on August 16, 2009.
How does a fiction exchange work? It’s simple. READ THE RULES posted at and you will find a link to the sign-up page where you may specify a pairing, rating, and the plot elements you would like to read, as well as the elements you are willing to write, and someone will write a story for you. In exchange, you will write a story for someone else using the specifications they provide. All stories will be submitted directly to the swap coordinators - you will not know whom you are writing for, nor will you know who has your request, until all fiction is posted on the Slashy Santa/My Slashy Valentine website.
Even if you don’t want to take part in the exchange, you can still elect to be a pinch hitter to be called upon in case of an emergency. Just say so on the sign-up form.
All we ask is that you adhere to some basic rules - If you sign up, please make sure that you can follow through and write at least 1,200 words. Please note also that this is a SLASH only FPS exchange (no RPS or het, please).
PLEASE NOTE: If you have defaulted in previous rounds, you will NOT be allowed to participate this round! These stories are gifts for your friends and fellow fans, and it is incredibly disappointing for a participant who has worked hard to turn in their own story only to find that we have nothing to give them. There will be no exceptions to this rule. For better or worse, I promised to "name names" last year to remind people that signing up for a fic exchange is, indeed, a commitment. Calanthe, Samara, and Sephreina will not be eligible to participate in our exchange. Please, folks, let's not have any more additions to the Wall of Shame this round! Believe me, I don't enjoy playing the heavy!
Rules/Frequently Asked Questions page before committing to this exchange!
Here are some important dates rememberf:
* Sign-up period: April 26 - May 10
* Assignments to be distributed: by June 1
* Deadline for first-time participants: August 2, 2009
* Deadline for returning participants: August 9, 2009
* Publication date: August 16, 2009
Come check out our site at and peruse some of the past entries - they’re terrific and will give you an idea of what’s in store!
Hope to see you there!
(Please feel free to copy this message and post on any groups you manage or in which you are a member.)