Microfic Meme

Feb 14, 2009 23:21

Write 10 different categories of fic, each in ten words about the same fandom/pairing.

LIght relief while I either a) use SatNav to find my bed or b) make some words line up for Faoiltierna.

Had a great time reading Oshun's version of this. Fascinating. Better than crosswords.  I would love to tag people for this and issue the pairings - can you imagine? Or write them in the style of... make up a set that someone might have written Jane Austen in Supernatural fandom? No?

Valentine's Day resolution? Next time I think I want to sign up for a swap fic, do every meme I can find working backwards until the urge wears off :|  Or I could always take a photo of an angry bed and caption it "It's me or the Swap Fic. One of us has to go!"

Erestor and Glorfindel microfic coming up. Warnings? If (self more than others btw) parody offends, best not look, I suspect.

"I can't get it up for the last chapter!"
[A.N. Tribute to wonderful Glorfindel of Imladris archived story - amendment of someone else's theme.]

"Erestor? Look! I've grown another one in the night..."

"Nearly finished, stop fidgeting! You know pink bows suit you.

"Marty Stu, make me the happiest elf alive: say yes?"

"Erestor, I 've told you. l only answer to Glorfindula."

Sci Fi
"Ooh, my, what a big rocket you have."

"Keep that up and dinner will be burnt."

First Time
"What's the oil for, anyway? Ow!"

"Glorfindel? So have I..."

Erestor slipped his hand into Glorfindel's. Glorfindel hugged him close.

glorfindel, lotr fanfiction, erestor, fiction, writing log, microfic meme, humour, meme, short story

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