Book Meme from Lethe from Keiliss

Oct 06, 2008 18:20

1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 56.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the next seven sentences in your journal along with these instructions.
5. Don't dig for your favorite book, the cool book, or the intellectual one: pick the CLOSEST.

'Lawrence, the Government cannot say we are just animals if we have invented our own language,' he added, looking to Lawrence for confirmation.

'No-one with any sense would say it regardless,'  Lawrence began, to be interrupted by Tharkay's short snorting laugh.

'On the contrary,' he said. 'They are more likely to think you an animal for speaking a tongue other than English; or at least a creature unworthy of notice: you would do better to cultivate an elevated tone,' and his voice changed quite on his final words, taking on the drawling style favoured by the too-fashionable set for a moment.

'That is a very strange way of speaking,'  Temerare said dubiously, after he had tried it, repeating over the phrase a few times. 'It seems very peculiar to me that it should make any difference how one says the words, and it must be a great deal of trouble to learn how to say them all over again. Can one hire a translator to say things properly?'

'Black Powder War' by Naomi Novik [Historical action adventure using real history and alternative universe together. Napoleonic wars, dragons, a navy captain and a chinese dragon. Among many others. She must be a biologist - does all the ecology to go with the dragons. Fascinating after all the dragon books that utterly ignore that side of things. The whole geography of the planet is reviewed by her with dragons in mind.

Light-weight series done very well indeed. For history /dragon / navy / war enthusiasts - I wonder how many readers she actually has? I find, as with CJ Cherryh, the juxtaposition of two cultures and interactions between two individuals and their societies always fascinates me. And I like ships :D

The meme doesn't say anything about identifying the book. I presume part of the instructions got lost. The nearest book was Silmarillion, and then Cadfael's Penance. Cadfael's Penance was sitting there to be reviewed. It's a very good end of series book. Ellis Peters - and I don't mean this irreverently - really timed her death well. The book is superb and about making peace not war and about what side you choose when everyone is war-mad.

But I picked 'Black Powder Plot' because I read it more recently - months not years ago.

The meme made me think about where my books are. Which makes me think about putting shelves up.| Temeraire was under Cadfael on top of a wooden chest opposite my desk along with others waiting for reviews or in transit. My non-fiction recent reading shelf is further away. I can't help thinking they would be more interesting. Maybe we need a 'favourite non-fiction books meme...'

Ack. I was meant to be reading your ljs, not writing a post. Not sure what happened there...

book review, meme

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