My 2 Angels: A Mother's Perspective

Aug 13, 2007 22:36

I offered to write this post in exchange for Eugene changing the baby. He's been asking me to post some photos for a while.

Well, Rina started her climbing career on bottom shelves, but quickly moved on to strollers, desks and window sills. Her favorite spot is the armchair which she is always getting pushed off of by her "best friend" (as Devora calls herself). Devora's favorite pastimes include making shapes with her play-do, reading and more recently doing death-defying stunts like jumping hands-free off Rina's crib bars.

Under lists of accomplishments, I would like to add that Rina took her very first steps this week! After weeks of training, pushing Elmo around in the toy shopping cart, she was finally able to put a check mark next to this milestone. Devora in the meantime is working on writing her letters. She has mastered the H, E, O and occasional A. You would think that the librarian offering her a library card after she learned to write her name would be the incentive, but later that evening she told me the real reason: "I don't want a library card, I want a card like Papa['s]" (a.k.a credit card). Lastly, Devora can turn on a computer and log into the Administrator account, while Rina knows just when to turn it off.


dvora, in english, kids, family, photos, rina

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