fic: with a broken heart, i find meaning

Sep 12, 2009 21:00

Title: With A Broken Heart, I Find Meaning
Fandom: Star Trek Reboot
Characters: Spock/Uhura, ensemble
Rating: PG-13 for some sexy times.
Word Count: ~4,300
Summary: "You are assigned to the USS Farragut, Cadet Uhura. I would suggest you make your way to your shuttle as soon as possible. We will be leaving momentarily to dock." - An AU if Spock had kept Uhura assigned to the Farragut.
Disclaimer: Don't own it.
Beta: The lovely and wonderful fiery_twilight. Epic bonus thanks to artic_fox for talking it over with me.

She paused, as if considering something, and a smile spread across her lips. 'What if you’re sleeping with his First Officer?'

(pop culture) fanfiction, (ship) spock/uhura, (film) star trek

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