Live long enough to become the villain.

Jul 19, 2008 17:55

STARRING: Christian Bale, Heath Ledger, Aaron Eckhart, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Michael Caine, Gary Oldman, Morgan Freeman
DIRECTED BY: Christopher Nolan


Reasons why, you ask (besides it being a fact that it simply is epic)?

1. The audience gets involved: Seriously, catgod018 and I were joking that the audience would be clapping and cheering constantly. The Joker sneezes? WHOOOOOO OMFG LET'S CLAP! Christian Bale yawns in the background? OMFG DID YOU SEEEEEEE THAT?! CLAAAAAP.

It did get a bit excessive but it was fun overall. I was clapping incessantly, I admit. Haha. The audience was enraptured and in awe the entire time. It was such a phenomenal, phenomenal film and it deserves all the praise it's getting and more. PEOPLE gave it four stars out of four, it got an A- from critics, and it is being bowed to all over. And you know what? It's no excessive and it's not overrated. IT IS THE BEST MOVIE I HAVE SEEN ALL YEAR. No comparisons here to the other superhero films that have come out this year because it's simply impossible to compare. This movie is downright incredible.

2. The cast and their portrayals.

♥ Heath Ledger (RIP, <3): I'll be honest, HE COMPLETELY DESERVES THE OSCAR NOMINATION. BAR NONE. Dude. Duuuuuude. Could he have been any more amazing? Honestly.

His portrayal gave me chills every second he breathed. It was absolutely incredible and inspiring to actors all around. For a comic book character, he's believable and absolutely insane. I am downright in love with his acting skills in this film. He's haunting and powerful and a complete phenomenon. I really want to write out more but the words have all escaped me. This is how incredible he was - he literally makes me speechless.

Guh. His portrayal was beautiful and amazing and OMG I NEED TO STOP REITERATING MYSELF BUT I CAN'T BECAUSE IT'S SO AWESOOOOOOOME. I feel so incompetent because I can't write any more than this. Heh. I mean, what else can I say? The way he carried himself, his voice, his face antics, everything. He completely submerged himself into this character - this is acting dedication. This is what films are all about.

Best Joker Visual: Nurse outfit, LOL.
Favourite Joker Scene: The first time he tells the story of his scars.

I am getting tired of all the speculation about this role aiding in Heath's death and I commend the cast and crew so much for being so eloquent and professional about all of it. I was reading an article about Michelle Williams in PEOPLE this week and there was a little box about this. The cast had nothing but praise for him and Gary Oldman defended him in that when Heath wasn't filming, he was all smiles and talking about his daughter. I don't think this role affected him besides proving amazing talent.

All in all, Heath Ledger was the best performance no doubt and I'm glad he'll be remembered in such high esteem.

Is it wrong I'm attracted to him as the Joker? >>;

♥ Gary Oldman: He's next because I say he is. And because he's MAH FAVORIT. x33


I didn't think I'd actually sob my heart out - twice! - in this film.

So there's a moment when Gordon dies. Or rather, fakes his death to protect his family. When it happened, I was in complete and utter shock. My mouth was hanging open - I was catching flies! And I was sobbing hardcore.

Subconsciously, I knew he couldn't actually be dead because he hadn't become Commissioner yet but it was the shock factor. The only thing on my mind was that he was dead and his wife was sobbing - I couldn't see past that. Does that make any sense? The entire half hour or so that he was absent from the film (I don't remember how long he was actually gone from the film), I was brooding. Yes, brooding. I still enjoyed the film of course but I was slightly distracted by Gordon's death. Haha, predictable me.

When he came back - EPICALLY, MIND YOU (Batman, Gordon pwns, BTW) - my mouth was open again, catgod018 was clutching my hand, and I was crying again. Just ask her - she'll tell you. This all sounds terribly dramatic but it's true. I've always loved Gordon and have always believed he needs more love. He's one of my favourite Batman characters. He's trying to do what is right. People may not agree with him but it's true. His family is his number one priority and I think he and Batman have a good little partnership going on. They respect one another and I adore it to pieces. Old films, animated series (aw, white haired!Gordon), whatever - GORDON IS FREAKING AWESOME ON EVERY SINGLE LEVEL.

I guess it helps that he's portrayed by Gary Oldman who's incredibly talented. AND FREAKING SEXY. Yes, you heard me. Need some convincing that a fifty year old is sexy (well, besides Richard Gere and Alan Rickman and all that, of course)?

Did I say all that just for an obligatory Gary Oldman picspam? Well, maybe, but are you complaining? I thought so.

♥ Christian Bale: He's Bale. He's epic and awesome. Need I say more? Well, yes. I personally loved him as Bruce more in this than Batman Begins and it was because he seemed so much more real.

There's a scene where he falls asleep at a board meeting and I think: Yes, he's human!

He seems so much warmer this time around and his Bruce had me laughing. Yes, he was still dark as Batman (and his voice transitions makes me LOL in a good way) but his Bruce was just fantastic. I've always loved Batman but he's never been a particular favourite and after this, I dunno, my heart just soared. Bale's portrayal was wonderful (as always) and yes, he was beautiful.

♥ Aaron Eckhart: OMFG AWESOMESAUCE. Dude. When did Harvey Dent become so sexy? GUH. I never really thought of Harvey/Two-Face. Great villain (though my favourites are still Riddler and Ivy) and a great character arc but nothing more than that. This film made my thoughts reel and burn with questions and ponderings concerning him. He and Rachel are SUPER DUPER CUUUUUTE. Just so you know.

I respect his character. There are times when he can ride on one's nerves but I think he's an upstanding character (before he becomes Two-Face and all that). His character is driven by his love for Rachel and of course I'm a sucker for that. Obviously he wants to do right by Gotham but there's no denying that his actions are driven by what Rachel means to him. I mean, he kind of says it after he becomes Two-Face.

I look forward to what the future will bring him.

♥ Sir Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman: They're legends. They're epic. They were awesome. 'Nuff said.

Not much to say on Maggie Gyllenhaal because I'm not terribly fond of Rachel though I liked her character far more in this film than the last. And I enjoyed Maggie more than Katie Holmes, that's for sure.

3. Christopher Nolan, YOU ARE BRILLIANT. BRILLIANT, YOU HEAR? I may not forgive you for the stunt you pulled, but you made up way more than enough. I love this guy. He's artistic and has such a unique way of making a film his. I've never been let down by one of his films and I doubt I ever will. He's such a talented director.


So obviously in the beginning it was Jonathan Crane (which earned a very big squeal from me) - just read the article.

Though catgod018 have been discussing it further and I'm a bit lost. The man handcuffed to the van (you know, the one Harvey interrogates and nearly kills), is that him too? I didn't catch the name that Batman said (if it was Jonathan Crane or what but he talked about a pysch ward and him being a paranoid schizophrenic) and it didn't look like Cillian Murphy to me (well, kind of, but not really - not like in the beginning).

And how was he trying to help Batman? The fight sequence in the beginning with the fake Batman was rather confusing. Was he teaming up with the fake Batman to fight crime? HE'S FREAKING INSANE. WTF. I DON'T GET ITTT.


I saw my friend after the movie and she asked what I would have thought if the Scarecrow teamed up with the Joker.

Dude, I would be sent to an insane asylum. That would be madness and hurt my brain.

5. This movie is so awesome it hurts. Literally.

Batman drops a guy from a building (not high enough to kill him) and he lands on his feet and his ankles roll and stuff. The Joker slams a guys head onto a pencil. The Joker tortures, films, and kills people.

DUDE. IT'S PAINFUL. I was sitting there, watching it, and going: Ow, OW, OWWWWWWWW. No joke. But it was awesome so it's okay.

6. All the action and epicness. Starting from the opening sequence and its epicness to the very end and its epicness.


And it doesn't disappoint. It is very dark (if my little cousin wants to see it, I vote no) and the action, while awesome, is rather intense. I warned my mom she may be turned off by some scenes. But what do I care? It's the film you must get fully invested in and that's exactly what happens.

The audience watched the movie from a fan point of view so everything was pretty much OMFGAWESOME for us. If it's taken in a different perspective and we observe the Joker as someone who was once human, I think the chills become even more intense. This person had a childhood (even if it was fucked up) and wasn't born sadistic and evil. It makes one think about what he's doing on a completely different level. Yes, he's evil and he's doing all these terrible things - but why? I think the film did an excellent job of bring the audience to this level and explaining things.

Same goes for Harvey. The whole time the audience is OMG TWO-FAAAAAAAACE AWESOMESAUCE. Yet, because of just how epic it all is, we can completely skip over watching Harvey. Instead, we watch for the little ticks that are hinting towards him becoming Two-Face. Watch for his gentler side, see how it evolves next to his evil side.

There are so many ways to go with this film and I believe that trying to observe it from all points of view (even at different times) is the best way to go. This film is more than a dark, epic action film. There are morals and lessons to be figured out between the lines and I believe in a film like this, that's one of the most rewarding aspects.

7. SPECULATION FOR NEXT FILM. Or rather, hanging out with catgod018 and friends and trying to figure out who should play Robin.

We decided on Tobey Macguire.

Robin: -rips off civilian clothing- -wearing Spider-man costume- ...Oops.
Batman: Is there something you want to tell me?
Robin: Wrong costume? -webslings away-

LOL. FOR REALZ. Oh, but we did seriously decide on Nicole Kidman for Poison Ivy. Y/Y?

So....yeah. Have I said enough? I definitely want to see it again. Maybe with georgeweasleyhp when she gets home. Even though I'll cry again.

All in all, I'm just happy Gordon's alive. :D


Recommend this movie to other people?: ...GET OFF YOUR BUTTS AND GO SEE IT RIGHT FREAKING NOW.
Buy the DVD: Dude. Yes. The second it comes out.
Grade: F for making me think Gordon died, A++++++++ (plus a bagillion) FOR BEING AN EPICLY EPIC FILM
Trailer: Here

Starring: Meryl Streep, Pierce Brosnan, Amanda Seyfried, Colin Firth, Stellan Skarsgard
Directed by: Phyllida Lloyd

Every second Colin Firth is breathing, I'm swooning.

The end.

No, not really. This film wasn't OMGEPIC but it was fun. It's a girly movie and I haven't seen it on stage (but I know the music well enough from the musical) but it seems to do very well depicting the story. The singing's not always great, the dancing's always fun, but the energy's always high and I was in absolute hysterics.

The best aspect were the three men and women.

WHO KNEW JULIE WALTERS WAS SO FREAKING HYSTERICAL? OMG, those women had me cracking up. Those were the best scenes EVERRRRR. Aaaaah. I can't get over them. I could not stop laughing.

Then came along the men. And the hysterics continued. Out of the men, Firth has the best voice I think (Brosnan kind of had me stifling giggles, much as I love him). They were lovely. Trying not to be biased here but Firth was definitely my favourite. Bumbling Englishman that he is. :D SUPER ADORABLE.

Though Stellan Skarsgard was a boatload of fun and Brosnan's easy on the eyes.


Annnnnnd - BEST CREDITS IN THE HISTORY OF EVER. My sides hurt so much from laughing. OH MEN.

Overall, I thought it was a very cute film. It dragged a bit near the end but the first three quarters of the film were absolutely fantastic. I simply had a ball watching it. It wasn't the best in terms of camera shots and directing, I don't think, but it had a certain charm to it.

And my OTP is still Bootstrap Bill and Molly Weasley. XD

Short review is short.

Recommend this movie to other people?: Definitely. It's a ball of fun and you'll find yourself singing along.
Buy the DVD: Most likely.
Grade: B+
Trailer: Here

♥ Burn After Reading (September 12 2008)
♥ Nights in Rodanthe (September 26 2008) (Possibly wait for DVD)
♥ The Duchess (October 3 2008)
♥ Quantum of Solace (November 14 2008)
♥ The Soloist (November 21 2008)
♥ Australia (November 26 2008)
♥ Frost/Nixon (December 5 2008) (Limited)
♥ Milk (December 5 2008)
♥ Doubt (December 12 2008) (Limited)
♥ Defiance (December 12 2008)
♥ The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (December 25 2008)
♥ Marley & Me (December 25 2008)
♥ Two Lovers (January 9 2009)
♥ The Rebound (January 23 2009)
♥ Star Trek XI (May 8 2009)
♥ Angels & Demons (May 15 2009)
♥ Public Enemies (July 1 2009)
♥ Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (July 17 2009)
♥ Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief (November 13 2009)
♥ Sherlock Holmes (2010)
♥ Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I (November 19 2010)
♥ Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II (May 2011)

♥ The Last Station (Unknown Release Date)
♥ The Edge of Love (Unknown Release Date)
♥ Shoe At Your Foot (Unknown Release Date)

Was I the only one not satisfied by the ending? Not because it wasn't a happy ending, but because it just felt so disappointing to me for some reason.

I didn't realize I could get into such in-depth discussions over this but when angeldevilgirl brought up the comparison to Sweeney Todd, the wheels in my head started turning.

She sees Horrible as Todd while I see our protagonist more as the Judge because he let his jealously get in the way of things. It's his fault Penny's dead, not Captain Hammer's. Captain Hammer may be egotistical but he's not a bad guy. He does what's right, even if he rubs people the wrong way while doing it.

And then, instead of righting his wrongs (which is what Penny would have wanted him to do), he gets worse. Fine, whatever, it's his character but I still wasn't satisfied by that. I felt so disappointed by his character. I mean, I still rather adore him but it was a letdown, I won't lie.

My incentive is that Todd had reason to do what he did. His wife was brought to insanity by the Judge. Horrible had no reason save for jealously. Hence why I relate him more to the Judge. Sure, he's not as disgusting and evil as the Judge but he does the same thing in essence: removes what's blocking what he wants out of sheer jealously.

Now don't get me wrong - I still love it. I'll get the DVD and I definitely want the soundtrack. I was just rubbed the wrong way by how incomplete the ending felt. Sure, Penny's death was sad but that wasn't what bothered me. Really, I can't see any other ending. It was 'right' for Penny to be with Hammer but I didn't want Penny and Horrible to get together, magically changing Horrible's morals. I know I complained about Horrible not righting his wrongs but I thought Penny doing it for him would be wrong. I was more inclined to see him help himself. I don't want him to become a good guy by any means, oh no. I want him to stay the villain forever and ever, I just wasn't pleased one hundred percent by how it was executed.

Captain Hammer still rocks my boat. I <3 him.

That was fun. Though it took me forever. XD I hope to see some good flailing and discussing in here.

Catch you later, calculators.

(actor) neil patrick harris, (actor) heath ledger, (actor) nathan fillion, (actor) colin firth, (pop culture) picspam, (film) general, (director) christopher nolan, (actor) gary oldman, (film) batman, (film) dr. horrible's sing-along blog, (film) movie review, (actor) christian bale

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