I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

Jun 28, 2008 14:24


Squeeeeeeee. :D And I just bought it. For realz. The second I saw it, I was like, *clicks and buys*! I love me some Wizard Rock. I just bought Ministry of Magic's Triwizard LP but I have yet to get their other album. I want to broaden my variety of artists so I'm hoping to get more albums in time. I really want some stuff by the Hermione-Crookshanks Experience.

Anyway, while that is related to this post, that's not what this post is about essentially. This post is going to be epic. Possibly the most epic post I've made in the history of ever.

I've been a fan of the Harry Potter series since they first came out. I love this series like I love no other. Some of you may be a bit skeptical because I don't talk about it all that much here but that's because there hasn't been much news concerning the series as of late. I think my love is really appearing again since JK released her passage from the prequel she's not writing (D:). I mean, just look at my Deathly Hallows review. And if you know me at all, you'll know that my love lies with the Marauders when it comes to this series. When I met Remus and Sirius and Prisoner of Azkaban, everyone else suddenly paled in comparison. And when I met James (really met him) in Order of the Phoenix, I had found the fictional love of my life. XD I'm one of those who could die happy with some prequel books. Pah Harry - I want his father! Not to say I don't love the series as it is because I do, with all my heart, I'm just a sucker for the Marauders + Lily and want to know more about them.

Now that we've got that introduction out of the way, here is the epicness of the post!

9) Molly vs. Sirius (Order of the Phoenix, Chapter Five): "He's not a child!" said Sirius impatiently.
"He's not an adult either!" said Mrs. Weasley, the colour rising in her cheeks. "He's not James, Sirius!"
"I'm perfectly clear who he is, thanks, Molly," said Sirius coldly.
"I'm not sure you are!" said Mrs. Weasley. "Sometimes, the way you talk about him, it's as though you think you've got your best friend back!"

Ooh, bitch fight. It's not exactly a shining moment of the Marauders but it includes a Marauder and mentions another. I always loved this conversation between Sirius and Molly and I kind of side with both. I mean, Sirius is right in that Harry should choose what he wants but in a way, he does treat Harry like James and that's not right. Some people have lessened their like of Sirius because he does this but it's a flaw and I love that Sirius is so incredibly flawed. Plus this shows that Sirius hasn't healed from James' death (and he probably won't ever). I think because it's such a trying time for the wizarding world, Sirius wants his best mate at his side again. Molly knows this, I'm sure, but she's also watching out for Harry, especially since the angsty CRAZY CAPSLOCK fifteen year old thinks it's totally fine for Sirius to think of him as his best friend.

I'm glad that this was included in the movie. We never got to see the scene, but you can hear Sirius and Molly arguing and these words being spoken. Plus the movie takes it a step farther in the Department of Mysteries during the fight when Sirius accidentally shouts James' name instead of Harry's. My heart aches for Sirius, especially since in the entire series, he was in hiding. *squishes Padfoot* x33

8) The Marauder's Map (Prisoner of Azkaban, Chapter Fourteen): Uh, HELLO, THE MARAUDER'S MAP. INSULTING SNAPE. This induced much LOL from me. I <3 me some Marauders. And this is by far my favourite HP novel.

Mr. Moony presents his compliments to Professor Snape, and begs him to keep his abnormally large nose out of other people's business.

Mr. Prongs agrees with Mr. Moony and would like to add that Professor Snape is an ugly git.

Mr. Padfoot would like to register his astonishment that an idiot like that ever became a professor.

Mr. Wormtail bids Professor Snape good day, and advises him to was his hair, the slimeball.

DUDE. THAT IS SOME BADASS MAGIC. I mean, I can understand insults to anyone but the fact that the statements know his name, and that he has a big nose, and that he's greasy is incredible. Oh, those boys. <33333

7) Resurrection (Deathly Hallows, Chapter Thirty-Four): Oh goodness, this chapter had me sobbing. Then again, I would say from the point of Hogwarts onwards I was sobbing in this novel. BUT MY MARAUDERS AND LILY CAME BACK. It was absolutely perfect.

"You are nearly there," said James. "Very close. We are...so proud of you."


I love that they're beside Harry's side, reassuring him, and giving him the hope and courage he needs. It was just what Harry needed and it was beautifully executed. *is totally in awe of everything*

6) JK Rowling's 800 Word Passage: Okay. This was just amazing. James and Sirius fleeing from the cops on Sirius' motorcycle? PURE AND UTTER WIN.

"Names?" repeated the long-haired driver. "Er - well, lets see. There's Wilberforce...Bathsheba...Elvendork..."
"And what's nice about that one, is that you can use it for a boy or a girl," said the boy in glasses.

OH, BOYS. YOU NEVER FAIL TO AMAZE ME. And they kicked so much ass, making the three people on brooms fly into the police car. Haha. I still don't know when this takes place (it mentions late teens, so I'm assuming after Hogwarts), but I can just imagine James returning to Lily at home. Oh, she'll have some words for him. Guh. I love them.

5) Lily's Letter (Deathly Hallows, Chapter Ten): AHHH. OMG. SO MUCH WIN IN ONE CHAPTER. HOW IS IT POSSIBLE?

Sirius' room makes me grin like such a fangirl. Gryffindor colours, motorcycles, and bikini-clad girls, oh my! Typical. Exactly what I was expecting, honestly. Plus it pisses off his family. Haha, win. AND THE PICTURE OF THE MARAUDERS. OMFG. I remember when I first got to this chapter, I saw the picture and immediately knew it was the Marauders and I was so flipping ecstatic. I'm pretty predictable when it comes to this series. Can't you tell?

AND THEN...AND THEN...THERE WAS A LETTER FROM LILY AND I ABOUT DIED INSIDE. It's just so sweet and perfect and adorable.

The letter was an incredible treasure, proof that Lily Potter had lived, really lived, that her warm hand had once moved across this parchment, tracing ink into these letters, these words about him, Harry, her son.

I love how perfect that sentence is because as short as Lily's life was, she lived it. She was happily married and had a son and no matter what the outcome was, Lily lived. And I love how Harry takes in every detail about the letter, wondering what his life was like as a one year old.

AND THEN THE PICTURE CAME. Guh, I can just imagine a little Harry zooming around with a pair of legs chasing him. Epitome of cute. This chapter just made me so incredibly happy because it gave more insight to my favourite characters and revealed how happy they were. *flails*

4) Harry, Remus, and Sirius through the fire (Order of the Phoenix, Chapter Twenty-Nine): I go back and read this conversation all the time. It never gets old for me.

"He kept messing up his hair," said Harry in a pained voice.
Sirius and Lupin laughed.
"I'd forgotten he used to do that," said Sirius affectionately.
"Was he playing with the Snitch?" said Lupin eagerly.

I love how playful and happy Sirius and Remus are when they reminisce. I just love this chapter because it shows that the Marauder's era was a happy one and I would have loved to have seen more interaction between Sirius and Remus.

"Look," he said, "your father was the best friend I ever had, and he was a good person. A lot of people are idiots at the age of fifteen. He grew out of it."

Aw, Sirius and James' friendship never fails to amaze me. I mean, James took him in! They're so utterly fantastic. Plus James is just dreamy. *swoon* I mean, for realz. It's nice to have this happy moment in the midst of all the crazy drama. I can just see Remus and Sirius hanging around Grimmauld Place, recalling memories of their days at Hogwarts and laughing all the while. HOLY BEJEEBUS I <3 THE MARAUDERS MORE THAN ANYTHING.

3) The Prince's Tale (Deathly Hallows, Chapter Thirty-Three): Ooh. This chapter was great. It didn't focus on the Marauders, but there was plenty of Lily (WHO I LOVE WITH ALL MY HEART) and I can attach the Marauders to plenty of it, namely James. I have to admit, the shipper in me really appears in this chapter. I completely and one-hundred percent ship the good ship: James and Lily. Because, honestly, Snily is silly. xP But I can't deny that the image of little Lily and Snape before Hogwarts is a cute one.


"Who wants to be in Slytherin? I think I'd leave, wouldn't you?" James asked the boy lounging on the seats opposite him, and with a jolt, Harry realized that it was Sirius. Sirius did not smile.
"My whole family have been in Slytherin," he said.
"Blimey," said James, "and I thought you seem all right!"
Sirius grinned.
"Maybe I'll break the tradition. Where are you heading, if you've got the choice?"
James lifted an invisible sword.
"Gryffindor, where dwell the brave at heart! Like my dad."

AWWWWES. SO SUPER ADORABLE. I get the impression that Sirius and James just kind of clicked. There was an instant bonding connection between them and it formed into a brotherhood. I am in awe of it. And I like that James didn't like Lily immediately - that would have been too corny. I get the feeling he probably didn't like her (by the book and all that) until a couple of years in. It's all so perfect.

I think Snape's unrequited love story is a very sad one and my heart goes out to him but I can't blame Lily for disliking him after what he said. I adore Lily and I think that her head's screwed on right. I also cannot believe she ever loved him romantically. I don't doubt that she may have loved him as a brother but the fact of the matter is that her heart belonged to James. I'm sickened by the theory that James forced Lily into marriage and that she really loved Snape. As cruel as James may have been, he would never have done that. There's no doubt in my mind, either, that Lily certainly did hate James for a time but as Sirius told Harry, James screwed his head on right in their seventh year and it was a stepping stone for him and Lily. I love their relationship and I think it was most definitely true love.

Plus, James' patronus is a stag and Lily's is a doe. IF THAT'S NOT DESTINY/FATE/TRUE LOVE, TELL ME WHAT IS. Ze end.

1) Shrieking Shack (Prisoner of Azkaban, Chapters: Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen): The reason this moment is tied for number one is because this was where I fell in love with the Marauders. But the other number one is pretty much the most epic Marauders moment so it deserves that spot too. I don't know how to cover it, though. I mean, it's three freaking chapters! Oh well, here goes.

The Professor walked to Black's side, seized his hand, pulled him to hist feet so that Crookshanks fell to the floor, and embraced Black like a brother.

*wibbles some more* The sheer emotion that must be coursing through Remus and Sirius. They were the best of friends and Remus had his stories mixed up because Sirius couldn't reveal the truth. The entire situation of Peter betraying them and Sirius blaming himself and Remus not knowing is al absolutely heartbreaking. In every possibly way. And now Remus and Sirius are reunited with the truth out in the open. I can just imagine the sight of one's brother (you know what I mean by that) after all these years.

"All right, then," Black said, without taking his eyes off the rat. "Tell them whatever you like. But make it quick, Remus. I want to commit the murder I was imprisoned for..."

I have loved that line since the moment I read it. Sirius is eager to commit the felony he was placed in Azkaban for in the first place. He would risk getting sent back to prison, all to revenge his best friend's death. I love love Sirius' fierce loyalty to James and how it's driven him to the brink of insanity. And how broken he is and that Remus can't fix it. But Remus can help because we all know that Remus and Sirius would have killed Peter if Harry hadn't stopped them.

"And they didn't desert me at all. Instead, they did something for me that would make my transformations not only bearable, but the best times of my life. They became Animagi."

GOODNESS, I LOVE THE MARAUDERS. They probably didn't even think about deserting Remus (well, save for maybe Peter) and they were eager to go to such extreme lengths. That's one of the biggest reasons why I love the Marauders - they're extremely in that they would die for one another. I love that about them, it's inspiring. And I want to hug all them (except for Peter). They seem like insane amounts of fun and the best friends people could ask for.

"Believe me," croaked Black. "Believe me, Harry. I never betrayed James and Lily. I would have died before I betrayed them."

Seeeeeee? I can hear the emotion in his voice, it's incredible.

"Forgive me, Remus," said Black.
"Not at all, Padfoot, old friend," said Lupin, who was now rolling up his sleeves. "And will you, in turn, forgive me for believing you were the spy?"
"Of course," said Black, and the ghost of a grin flitted across his gaunt face. He, too, began rolling up his sleeves. "Shall we kill him together?"
"Yes, I think so," said Lupin grimly.

Kay. I love them. More than life itself. End of story.

1) Snape's Worst Memory (Order of the Phoenix, Chapter Twenty-Eight): Kay. BEST CHAPTER OF THE HARRY POTTER SERIES LIKE EVERRR OMG. I remember I re-read this like fifty bagillion times and I still pull out this book, just to re-read this part and then put it back. It always brings a smile to my face.

"Did you like question ten, Moony?" asked Sirius as they emerged into the entrance hall.
"Loved it," said Lupin briskly. "'Give five signs that identify the werewolf.' Excellent question."
"D'you think you managed to get all the signs?" said James in tones of mock concern.
"Think I did," said Lupin seriously, as they joined the crowd thronging around the front doors eager to get out into the sunlit grounds. "One: He's sitting in my chair. Two: He's wearing my clothes. Three: His name's Remus Lupin..."

GUH. I LOVE THEM MORE THAN LIFE ITSELF. Remus is all playful and the epitome of adorable. The scene displayed itself as I'm sure we all pictured it - Remus reading, Sirius and James being freaking awesome without even trying, and Peter being the little mousey boy that he is. It also gave a lot of roleplayers (including msyelf) plenty of traits go off of: James messing up his hair, their type of conversation, etc. It was just the most perfect chapter for fans who adored the Marauders with all their hearts - like myself.

And it revealed their characters in such wonderful ways.

"Well," said James, appearing to deliberate the point, "it's more the fact that he exists, if you know what I mean..."

"Messing up your hair because you think it looks cool to like like you've just got off your broomstick, showing off with that stupid Snitch, walking down corridors and hexing anyone who annoys you just because you can -- I'm surprised your broomstick can get off the ground with that fat head on it. You make me SICK." - Lily

Much as I love James, and you know I all do, there's no way around this fact - before his seventh year most likely, James was cruel. He's not mean in the sense of evilness, but he can offend people quite easily. This goes along with his ego and impulsiveness. If someone ticks him off (by doing any number of things), he's not afraid to get back at them. Some can call some of his acts of revenge as cruel but he considers it justice. Either way, he can be mean. He won't admit it, but it's true. He's not the type to take anything lying down. He'll hex someone, pull a prank on them, do something to right their wrong (or what he believes was a wrong). I probably would have been annoyed with him, honestly, but as a reader, I adore him to absolute pieces. Like Sirius, he's flawed.

And this chapter gives us the wonderfulness that is James and Lily. I love their bickering matches. He defends her so violently and then she goes off and scolds him. A lot. I love my Harry Potter OTP. *squishes them* And then Sirius decides to tell James what Lily thinks.

"Reading between the lines, I'd say she thinks you're a bit conceited, mate," said Sirius.


Don't get me started on how they butchered this in the movie.

Bonus Moments: Moments that don't necessarily count but got some reactions out of me.

3) Marlene McKinnon mention in the Order of the Phoenix movie: After what the movie did to Snape's Worst Memory, I felt a teensy bit better when I caught this. The McKinnons haven't been mentioned in the movies ever before and I don't think they were in the books either (though they were in Lily's letter in Deathly Hallows), so I was elated to the dedication this little scene showed. It was when Sirius gave Harry the picture of the order and mentioned Marlene. I was so happy to know that there's been some dedication going on.

2) Harry and Remus' Fight(Deathly Hallows, Chapter Eleven): Not one of squee but one that got a lot of emotions out of me. I was crying all throughout Remus and Harry's fight. It was just awful. I agreed that Remus shouldn't leave his wife and unborn child but in a way, I can understand why he'd want to. Remus obviously isn't proud of the fact that he's a werewolf and he's sure that his child would be ashamed of him. I wasn't proud of Remus in this scene and I do believe that James would not have wanted one of his best friends to abandon his wife and unborn child. But Remus is an insecure character and I think that Harry needed to have more understanding during the conversation. It was clear that in a way, Remus was trying to do what was best for Tonks even if it wasn't what was right. I do not like angry!Harry. I miss the eleven year old Harry. D: Anyway.

"Oh, I don't know, Hermione," said Harry. "I'd be pretty ashamed of him."

UHM, OUCH? WTF HARRY. Way to have some tact. Goodness. I wanted to hop into this scene and thwap them both. But then Harry continued being a prick.

"I think you're feeling a bit of a daredevil," Harry said. "You fancy stepping into Sirius's shoes-" ... "I'd never have believed this," Harry said. "The man who taught me to fight dementors - a coward."

UHM, NO. HARRY, YOU STUPID BOY. Don't compare Remus to Sirius! Do you have any brains at all? That statement ruffled me a lot and I was extremely disappointed with Harry. I mean, I understand he's a hormonal boy and perhaps I'm a bit biased about all of this, but I think Harry really crossed the line. If I were Remus, I would have left after that too (after sending Harry flying into a wall, too, of course). I'm still angry with those statement whenever I re-read the novel.

There's no doubt in my mind that Remus did in fact admire and respect Sirius and perhaps wanted to be a bit more like him. I also believe that Sirius wanted to become a bit more like Remus too. But Harry, point blank, called Remus a coward (without even that coward statement, just with comparing Remus to Sirius). He's basically saying that he's ashamed and disappointed with Remus and that has got to hurt. Harry isn't realizing where Remus is coming from - Harry has absolutely no idea what it's like to become a werewolf once a month and how society treats Remus. I thought Harry was being very ignorant and I was infuriated with him. It's hard to say who I was more disappointed with in this chapter, but it was probably Harry for those two statement.

Hurrah for ranting!

1) Godric's Hollow (Deahtly Hallows, Chapter Sixteen, Seventeen): There are several little things in these chapter that I want to comment on. The statue of James, Lily, and Harry made me squee so hard. That is all. The memorial at Godric's Hollow got me crying - the passage about Lily and James, and especially the notes left to Harry. So utterly perfect.

Obviously I didn't like JKR recounting James and Lily's death (it was awful to read) but the image of James producing coloured puffs of smoke to amuse Harry is the cutest thing EVER. *wibbles*

But one I'm going to mention, which some of you already know about, happened at the very end of chapter sixteen.

Harry did not need to kneel or even approach very close to it to make out the words engraved on it.

James Potter Lily Potter
Born 27 March 1960 Born 30 January 1960
Died 31 October 1981 Died 31 October 1981


That's right, I share a birthday with James Potter. I cannot tell you how many times I reread that to see if I was delusional and when I realized it was true, I freaked out.

My friend texted me after she finished the chapter and this was pretty much our conversation:

Her: How freakishly perfect that out of every character in the Harry Potter universe, you share a birthday with your favourite character.

I have to admit it was pretty freaky. I mean, if I shared a birthday with someone else, that'd be pretty cool but I wouldn't freak out too much, but my all-time favourite character? That's odd. But amazing.

That was insane amounts of fun. Marauders = THE MOST EPIC LOVE EVERRRR.

Kay. So. Saw Ticket to Ride today. It was freaking awesome. The guy who was portraying John looked freakishly like him. It was frightening. angeldevilgirl and I were totally flirting with the guy who was portraying George. He pointed to us during one of his songs! *squees* The songs were spot-on (though we talked to the guy who played George afterwards and he mentioned the mistakes that were made) and it was just so much fun. I'm lucky to have things like this since I was born way too late to have ever seen The Beatles in concert. <3

Wanted review will come with my Wall-E review which I'm seeing tomorrow with georgeweasleyhp.

OMG. OFF TO WATCH DOCTOR WHO NOW. OMFG SO EXCITED. SQUEEEEE. I haven't really read anything about the last two episodes because I want it all to be new to me so I'm flailing with the utmost excitement or rage or whatever.

AND YOU KNOW WHAT I REALIZED? I'LL BE IN TAHOE FOR THE FINALE. RAWR. I hope my laptop gets internet up there, but I doubt it. *mopes*

Catch you later, calculators.

(harry potter) prisoner of azkaban, (harry potter) general, (harry potter) marauders are my life, (harry potter) jp = my fictional love, (harry potter) order of the phoenix, (harry potter) deathly hallows, (tv) doctor who, (music) wizard rock, (ship) james/lily, (music) the beatles

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