Are those bullet holes?

May 09, 2008 22:43

At the end of every PEOPLE magazine, they ask a question to celebrities. This week it was: Do you remember your first kiss?
And a couple familiar faces answered.

Christian Bale: "My mom was a circus performer, and my first kiss was with a Polish trapeze artist. I was 6, and there were all these naked dancers walking around, so it was a huge event for me."
Amy Adams: "I was in fourth grade, and a group of us decided we were going to get together after school and kiss. We were squirting lemon juice in our mouths to prepare. It was very weird."

They made me giggle.

STARRING: Robert Downey Jr., Terrence Howard, Jeff Bridges, Shaun Toub, Leslie Bibb, and Gwyneth Paltrow
DIRECTED BY: Jon Favreau

Let's talk about the previews first because they were EPIC. There was a preview for the Dark Knight, Narnia, and Indiana Jones. When the Dark Knight came on, I was seriously convulsing in my seat and this little boy in front of me turned around with a horrified look on his face. Gail kept giggling and harping on me. Then Indiana Jones comes on, so Gail starts flailing with me and the boy is even more frightened. Good times.


I read comic books sporadically and the only series I've only really "kept up" with is Fantastic Four. I've dabbled in a lot of other ones, including Iron Man, but I had never known any details about it. Which is why I won't be comparing the movie to the comic books. When I heard the movie was coming out, I was pretty pumped but figured I'd just see it when it came out on DVD. BOY, WOULD THAT HAVE BEEN A MISTAKE. After all the hype, I knew I had to see it in theatres. And I am so glad I did.

Everyone kept saying this was the best Marvel movie to ever grace the big screen. While I love my Fantastic Four, the movies don't do them justice and I was hopeful for this film.


The cast was brilliant and they portrayed the characters beautifully. We all know the problems Robert Downey Jr. has had and I'm happy believing that he's been successful in getting past all that. I recently read an article in PEOPLE about him and it was refreshing to know how he's picked up all the pieces. I personally have a lot of respect for this man and his acting skills are fantastic. He got into the character of Tony Stark perfectly. Plus, y'know, HE'S RATHER SEXY.

The one thing I've always loved about Tony Stark is that he's not your conventional superhero. Personality-wise, he reminds me a lot of an older Johnny Storm. I'll always find it interesting that before the three-month captured situation, he endorsed war. Sure, he wouldn't give his weapons to just anybody but the fact of the matter is that he prided himself on his work and believed in launching missiles. Obviously, a pivotal time in this life changed those views but it's still intriguing to find a hero like that.

Some of my favourite scenes of him are definitely when he's working on the suit. It's both comical and a great insight to his character. He may not have "superpowers" but he has an awesome suit. Seriously, whenever he's in the suit it screams: I AM SO BADASS. WATCH HOW I FLY, I'LL BLOW YOUR MIND. YEAH, YOU BETTER RUN, PUNK. *EXPLODES*

And, come on, which female isn't smitten with him now?

This may not be known to everyone here, but I love Gwyneth Paltrow and I loved seeing her in this. She played Pepper wonderfully and with such a neat take on naivety and she was completely and utterly adorable. I think she and Downey Jr. had fantastic chemistry and I adored watching them play off one another, especially since Tony and Pepper are so contrasting.

I remember when the movie ended, Gail and I were like: WTF. NO KISS. THE HERO'S SUPPOSED TO GET THE GIRL. AND KISS HER.

It's not irking me or anything and I have no doubt it'll show up in the sequel, just something I noticed. Perhaps it's the shipper in me. xD I adored the dance between them because it was a perfect mixture of awkwardness and sexual tension that you had to revel in the chemistry oozing out of the big screen. I loved their scenes together.

In other random casting, yay Paul Bettany! I knew I recognized the voice of Jarvis and when I saw that it was Bettany, it was a giant squee fest for Gail and I.

And, of course, YAY STAN LEE. YOU PIMP. XD Guh, I love his cameos. My favourite will always be Fantastic Four 2, though, when he played himself trying to get into the wedding. LOLOLOL.

As for the movie in general, it was brilliant. Well-made, fantastic cast, and a lovely script. It was much more intense than I thought it would be, though. The beginning was very light-hearted and snarky but the aspects of imprisonments and all that really pulled at my heartstrings. It was a very emotional movie and I loved watching the growth of Tony. The scene where he saves the town (can't remember the name right now) and reunites the father and son, I was very struck by that.

I just loved this movie and would definitely agree on the best Marvel movie consensus. I want to say more and gush the whole night but I'll leave it with just saying...GUH.

SQUEE FOR THE SEQUEL ALREADY BEING PLANNED! And for it planning to be a trilogy and for The Avengers possibly coming to the big screen. Seriously, I'm just waiting for a Justice League movie. SUPERHERO HEAVEN.

I would love to see Tony Stark's alcoholism explored in the next film which I know has been talked about. I'm looking forward for the films to become darker (though this one did have plenty of thematic scenes). I'm also pretty sure the original cast will stay. I know Downey Jr. has to because he has a contract for three films, I just hope everyone else sticks around. This was a fantastic movie and I cannot wait to see what comes of all of it. I really want to start exploring the comics now too.

Recommend this movie to other people?: HECK FREAKING YES. Especially if you're a Marvel/Superhero fan. If not, give it a try.
Buy the DVD: Of course!
Grade: A+
Trailer: Here

♥ The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (May 16 2008)
♥ Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of Crystal Skull (May 22 2008) (Gail and I are having an Indiana Jones fest before seeing it)
♥ The Incredible Hulk (June 13 2008)
♥ Get Smart (June 20 2008)
♥ Wanted (June 27 2008)
♥ Wall-E (June 27 2008)
♥ Hellboy II: The Golden Army (July 11 2008)
♥ Mamma Mia! (July 18 2008)
♥ The Dark Knight (July 18 2008)
♥ The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor (August 1 2008)
♥ The Duchess (September 12 2008) (Limited)
♥ Australia (November 14 2008)
♥ Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (November 18 2008)
♥ The Soloist (November 21 2008)
♥ Defiance (December 19 2008)
♥ Star Trek XI (December 25 2008)
♥ Angels & Demons (May 15 2009)
♥ Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief (November 13 2009)

♥ Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I (2010)
♥ Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II (2011)
♥ The Edge of Love (Unknown Release Date)
♥ Shoe At Your Foot (Unknown Release Date)

So yeah. Major love for that movie.

This weekend is going to be crazy but fun. Tomorrow is my last AP session (TEST NEXT WEEK OMG SO NERVOUS) and it's going to be a mock AP test which I should study for. Right afterwards, I'm driving down to Disneyland to hang out with choir then I'll spend the night at my grandparents and drive home Sunday. Plus, Sunday is Mother's day and my mom's birthday and family will be up here. Not a lot of time to myself but hopefully I can find some eventually.

I should go study a bit and get a good night's sleep.

Catch you later, calculators.

PS: In PJatO news, I bought the fourth book and I cannot wait to read it. I'm about a quarter of the way through the third and TOTALLY SHIP GROVER/THALIA IF ONLY FOR THAT FLEETING MOMENT OF THEM DANCING. Plus I met my favourite God - Apollo. <3

PPS: My Play Production audition went swimmingly. Malbertson and Peggy told me I should have no trouble getting in. :D

(actress) gwyneth paltrow, (ship) tony/pepper, (film) movie review, (film) iron man, (book) percy jackson and the olympians, (actor) robert downey jr., (film) general

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