"When are we going to get there? I'm hungry. This car smells weird."

Nov 30, 2007 22:23

I'm getting sick of these hiccups. They're getting to be so bad that they hurt. xP

Guh. I can't believe I'm so late on this.

Happy Belated Birthday, artic_fox!

Hope you had a fantabulastic day, dearest! ♥♥♥

Mkay. Here we go. After a very long gap in posts.

I'm actually getting over bronchitis and a sinus infection. My doctor put my on three different medications. -sigh- So I've been bedridden for a while. Not fun. I'm slowly getting over it. The worst part is the coughing (and apparently these DAMN HICCUPS OMG).

Let's talk about more cheerful things, huh?

Starring: Freddie Highmore, Robin Williams, Keri Russell, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Terrence Howard
Directed by: Kirsten Sheridan

It really was a moving and beautiful movie like the previews lead us to believe. The previews are quite a bit misleading though. I went in thinking that Robin Williams would plays this inspirational character and all that and it turns out he played a complete jerk.

Of course, he put in an absolutely excellent performance, I was just shocked. In a good way, though because even if I wanted to hit his character, it's always nice to see Robin Williams on screen.

The other acting was fabulous as well. Keri Russel is beautiful and talented and I adore her (I seriously want to see The Waitress). Jonathan Rhys Meyers, who I've loved since Bend It Like Beckham (and recently The Tudors), was spectacular as per usual. Guh, he has to be one of the most entrancing actors ever. His eyes, his accent, his mystery. So dreamy. I <3 him.

Don't get me started on Freddie Highmore. I would seriously marry him, especially since he's just a mere five months younger than me (yes, he's 15--I didn't believe it either since he looks 10). I love that kid hardcore and he is going to go so far in Hollywood. I mean, look at what he's been in and who he's worked with already. He just better not get messed up in drugs or any of that stuff. He's gifted, he truly is, and I adore him.

Another awesome casting tidbit?

Becki Newton was in it! Coral, being one of my fellow Ugly Betty fans, and I were like, 'OMGAMANDA!' It was pretty frickin' sweet. Her character in the movie was a lot like Amanda, too. Lawl.

My favourite scene of the movie had to be, besides the whole ending, where Evan/August and Louis play each other's guitar. And this is probably because it was just to bittersweet due to them being father and son and them not even knowing it. They're sitting in a park together, playing music and having a swell time and they don't even know that they're parent and child. It was too much.

The entire ending was just absolutely beautiful. The music and the reunion and just everything. A part of me wanted to see a 'two years later' kind of thing with Louis, Layla, and Evan but I think the ending was too touching and beautiful to have something like that. The simple realization that they were all connected, and Louis and Layla being reunited was the perfect ending. I've always loved those endings where there's no talking and it just seems to tie up all the loose ends.

So back to Robin William's character, Wizard, he brought a few plot twists I wasn't expecting. The "school" for all the orphaned children was neat at first until I learned the money the kids earned went to Wizard. Though I do admit when Wizard watches August play the guitar and looks like he's about to cry was pretty sweet.

I also enjoyed the whole part of August getting into Juilliard and then him and the orchestra practicing his rhapsody when Wizard waltzes in, claiming to be his father.

Overall, an excellent movie I must say. The angles of the camera were absolutely unfathomable as well. The music was gorgeous (I did indeed buy the soundtrack already).

Recommend this movie to other people?: In a heartbeat.
Buy the DVD: Heck frickin' yes.
Grade: A

Strike: I've seen/read it and will eventually remove it from list.

Order by Release Date.

Two dates mean a limited and wide release date--first date is the limited though I'd see it on the second date since Simi Valley is lame and we don't get limited releases.

♥ August Rush (November 21 2007)
♥ Enchanted (November 21 2007)
♥ Atonement (December 7 2007)
♥ National Treasure: Book of Secrets (December 21 2007)
♥ The Other Boleyn Girl (December 21 2007)
♥ P.S. I Love You (December 21 2007)
♥ Sweeney Todd: Demon Barber of Fleet Street (December 21/28 2007)
♥ 27 Dresses (January 11 2008)
♥ Penelope (February 1 2008)
♥ Wanted (March 28 2008)
♥ Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of Crystal Skull (May 22 2008) (Gail and I are having an Indiana Jones fest before seeing it)
♥ Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (November 21 2007)


EBS = On the EBS list
Own = I own it
Buy = Need to buy it
Borrow = Borrowing from someone
Reread = Read it before; going to re-read it
♥: Currently reading

In no particular order. EBS books are obviously keen since I need them for school which means the other ones will come randomly when I have time throughout the year and over summer.

♥ The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini (Borrow)
♥ Alice In Wonderland by Lewis Carrol (EBS) (Reread) (Own)
♥ Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carrol (Reread) (Own)
♥ Seeing Redd by Frank Beddor (Buy)
♥ Dune by Frank Hebert (EBS) (Own)
♥ Dune Messiah by Frank Hebert (EBS) (Buy?)
♥ Children of Dune by Frank Hebert (EBS) (Buy?)
♥ God Emperor of Dune by Frank Hebert (EBS) (Buy?)
♥ Emma by Jane Austen (EBS) (Own) (Reread)
♥ Persuasion by Jane Austen (Own) (Reread)
♥ Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen (Own) (Reread)
♥ Mansfield Park by Jane Austen (Own) (Reread)
♥ Becoming Jane Austen by Jon Spence (Own)
♥ The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova (Own)
♥ The Last King of Scotland by Giles Foden (Buy)
♥ Atonement by Ian McEwan (Own) (Maybe some of his other books afterwards)
♥ Me and Mr. Darcy by Alexandra Potter (Own)
♥ The Patriot by Stephen Molstad (Own)
♥ Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley (Own) (EBS--doubt I'll read it for that, though)
♥ The Book of Earth: Volume 1 in Dragon Quartet by Marjorie B. Kellogg (Own)
♥ The Book of Water: Volume 2 in Dragon Quartet by Marjorie B. Kellogg (Own)
♥ The Book of Fire: Volume 3 in Dragon Quartet by Marjorie B. Kellogg (Buy)
♥ The Book of Air: Volume 4 in Dragon Quartet by Marjorie B. Kellogg (Buy)
♥ The Red Tent by Anita Diamant (Borrow) (EBS)
♥ Amazing Grace by Eric Mataxas (Own)
♥ The Last Wife of Henry VIII by Carolly Erickson (Buy)
♥ The Other Boleyn Girl by Philippa Gregory (Buy)
♥ The Virgin's Lover by Philippa Gregory (Buy)
♥ Mr. Darcy Takes A Wife by Linda Berdoll (Buy) (Have mixed feelings on this one)
♥ The New Jedi Order (Next book: Dark Tide I: Onslaught) (Pathetic that I'm only on book two but I've been so busy--I do intend to finish this series and then read more series)
♥ Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman (Own)

All right. More movie news. Seeing Enchanted tomorrow.

DVD Release Dates: Across the Universe (February 5th), Becoming Jane (February 12th, I've been itching to see this movie again as of late)

I think the most anticipated movie for me right now has to be National Treasure: Book of Secrets. I just seriously cannot wait for this movie more than anything right now. As of right now, I hope they make a third but I'll have to wait and see the second first. I have to see it with Gail, too (seeing it without her is not an option) and we plan to either see it at Disneyland (xD) or the next day. After all, Gail's going to become a fictional character and going marry Riley since they're soulmates. I should become one, too, and marry Ben. Or at least become Abigail. Haha.

Oh, how I love those movies.

Mkay. Show reviews.

Ugly Betty: 2.09 Giving Up The Ghost

You know, I'm glad we're not getting episodes with nonstop Henry/Betty. Something so spectacular needs to be taken in small doses and then on a special occasion, we can take a mouth full. The scenes we had with them were adorable, though.

Betty: -lists off people- Oh! And Henry, who's a cute accountant.

Plus their conversation in the meeting room.

Betty: And Henry is a great cook (or something like that)!
Henry: You liked my Cajun chicken?
Betty: Yeah.
Henry: Then why didn't you eat any of it?
Betty: I don't like asparagus.
Henry: I didn't have to make it with asparagus.

They're so cute. And finally an episode with no problems centering around them! I <3 my Henry/Betty romance because it's so goshdarn cute.

And Claire. OH CLAIRE HOW I LOVE THEE. She is made of complete and utter win. I loved when she tripped Wilhemina and gave the whole motion and everything. Goodness, Claire makes me happy inside.

I loved Marc when he and Wili arrived at the funeral.

"Who is she wearing? What is she doing here?"

The whole Medusa X thing was kind of frightening though. I think, overall, it was an amazing episode. Not centering on any one character, but the magazine. I loved seeing just about everyone and watching them work together. Daniel and Betty breaking out that girl from rehab, Alexis befriending a little person, and of course Hilda setting the tree on fire.

I think this episode was much needed as well. Just a good, solid, hilarious episode.

Next week looks frickin' amazing too.

Though I'm getting tired of Daniel and Alexis loving each other one week and hating each other the next, this paintball war looks like it'll be some amazing scenes. And hilarious.

The promo makes it look like Henry and Betty may break up because of Gio, but it'll probably be the farthest thing from that and the show just trying to throw the fans off. It will not work for me! Henry and Betty will prevail. :D

And Betty White will be on it next week! HUZZAH!

YAAAAAAAAY. It looks like the musical episode will indeed be happening. No, not another episode where they go see a musical but an episode where the characters sing. Henry/Betty duet anyone? Or, ooh, Marc and Amanda. XD I hope it turns out well, though, and it doesn't get completely butchered.

CSI: 8.08 You Kill Me

OH HOW I LOVED THIS EPISODE. I got plenty of Hodges and 'Dandy' (Hodges/Wendy). It was downright hilarious and great for exploring the relationship between Hodges and Wendy.

The scenarios were fantastic, especially with the CSIs looking impatient of the lab techs not catching on quickly or something. Oh, and Hodges constantly being praised. Lawl.

The scene with Hodges and Wendy in the lockers was sad though. Hodges really can be so tactless. You do not call a woman clumsy yet buxom, even if you think the latter is a redeeming attribute. -sigh- I really do hope the writers pursue this ship as it is a pretty fantastic one. We didn't get enough GSR for various reasons but Dandy is so different and diverse. Much can be done with them.

And how obvious was it that Hodges was talking about Wendy, not Sara, when he was telling Grissom that they needed to let people go sometime. I'm not sure how I feel about Wendy becoming a CSI yet. It does mean we'll get to see more of her but I just don't know. -shrugs-

And you know something funny? Henry on this show is just like Henry on Ugly Betty.

Next week, next week, next week! -chants- Finally Warrick won't be on the backburner. Oh, next week is going to be made of pure win. Hopefully I get some Yo-Bling moments, too.

House: 4.09 Games

Although I've known for quite some time who the final three would be for House's new team, the episode was gripping as per usual. I'm happy with the final three as I really didn't like "Cut-Throat Bitch". I'm not terribly fond of Taub but Kutner makes me laugh and I'm absolutely addicted to "Thirteen" now.

I was finally getting into the House/Cuddy relationship until "Thirteen" came along. Now I'm just wishing for a House/"Thirteen" relationship as I think they have spectacular chemistry. Though "Thirteen" is a lot like Cameron in some ways, I'm enjoying her scenes much more.

Maybe they should stick Cuddy with Wilson. Speaking of the latter, I think he's my favourite character alongside Chase (especially since we see none of Chase now). I've always loved Wilson, but this season it's just heightened. I adore him. I felt pretty bad for him in this latest episode, too.

Dude. Seriously. More Chase. More Chase/Cameron.

No new episodes until January. D: They look good, though, of course.

Pushing Daisies: 1.08 Bitter Sweets

I though it was a cute episode. Aww. NED IS CHUCK'S BOYFRIEND. -gushes- This is probably my other favourite ship right now alongside Henry/Betty. These two are just so terribly adorable and yet heartbreaking at the same time.

I love how Ned looked like he wanted to just strangle the dead Italian guy when he (dead guy) was hitting on Chuck. Hilarious.

The whole plot with the new candy store was well played, I think. Down to the brother being killed in the taffy, Ned getting arrested, Chuck and Olive breaking in and becoming the "Pie Hoes". Just great. Poor Ned, though. Everything was simply being piled up on him.

I also loved when Chuck came home from breaking into the candy store and Ned nearly attacked her with cleaning supplies and the likes. I want Ned for a boyfriend. Seriously.

I don't think I can survive with one more episode, by the way, with how this latest one ended. Ned telling Chuck that he killed her father? Guh, and she runs away in the next new episode and it's just so heartbreaking. How can there only be one left? I'm in complete support of the strike, I just hope it gets resolved soon.

There is some good news, though. The Broadway strike is over.

The studios offered the writers a deal. Not sure if it'll all work out, though. We'll see. I think the writers deserve fair compensation more than anything but lately, I've realized just how terrible it'll be without these shows.

Speaking of shows and the likes, though, I've been in a big Gilmore Girls-y mood as of late. I go to Target and constantly pass the seventh season and ache that I can't buy it yet. I want it so much, especially since I missed the first couple of episodes.

I've been watching re-runs on ABCFamily and my seasons and whatnot but I really miss this show. I miss Tuesdays and enjoying new episodes and getting so mesmerized by the show. I miss visiting Stars Hollow every Tuesday. D: That was defintely one of the best shows in television history for me. The heart of it was simply overwhelming. I hope the movie works out eventually.

Love for the Gilmore girls.

So when Dad and I were at the grocery store today getting some fruit, I saw the funniest thing ever. We were getting a watermelon and there were some smaller watermelons and guess what their label was?


Oh, I need to tell Matt and Ian the next time I see them. -giggles-

Tahoe was loads of fun. Got some boarding in and didn't break myself this time. Saw some boarder who looked just like Justin Bartha (AKA Gail's soulmate). My cousin and I won 1,057 tickets at the arcade. Watched lots of movies. Had fantastic conversations with Christie. It was just good fun.

Heeeeey. It's December. :D Christmas-time. Oh, how I love this time of year. It does happen to be the best time of year ever.

I should get going. This is an unbearably long post.


Catch you later, calculators.

(tv) house, (tv) gilmore girls, (tv) ugly betty, (tv) pushing daisies, (film) general, (real life) birthday, (film) movie review, (tv) csi: las vegas, (tv) general

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