Glorfilocks and the Three Brothers

Dec 31, 2005 21:29

Glorfilocks and the Three Brothers

Once apon a time there was a fair ellon called Glorfilocks, who lived in the wondrous enchanted city of Imladris with his dark lover Erestor (but that is another story completely). As his name suggested, he had the most wonderful Golden hair, and was very popular, but also very envied.

The most jealous of all was the evil witch Galadriel, who happened to be the unfortunate ellon’s Auntie. So jealous was Galadriel, that she decided to get rid of poor Glorfilocks, so that her own hair would once more be the most golden and She could have Erestor to herself. He had been hers first anyways, until that blond fool of a nephew had waltzed by and enticed the dark beauty away with his long locks and a promise of something hotter between the sheets.

Being Glorfilocks’s auntie, it was easy to persuade him to pay her a visit in her enchanted home, and while she waited for him to arrive, she began to plot things most evil.

Unfortunately, or perhaps most fortunately, Glorfilocks was not the best at navigation, as he was far too proud and stubborn to stop and ask for directions, and so after entering the dark forest that surrounded her castle, and taking a few wrong turns, Glorfilocks found himself quite hopelessly lost.

Grumbling, he continued onwards, looking upwards for any sign of a talen to rest in, and wondering if perhaps he should have asked for directions, but of course it was too late now, being as he was alone, with not a single other being in sight.

Alone in a part of the forest which he had never seen before, and feeling in desperate need of a rest, Glorfilocks felt a huge wave of relief wash over him as he finally spotted a talen hidden amongst the branches of the tree.

Climbing quickly, Glorfilocks knocked at the door, hoping to ask for rest and assistance, but when there was no answer, Glorfilocks entered the talen anyway.

Collapsing in the first chair he came too, Glorfilocks winced as his feet hit the floor hard, the chair too short for his long legs. Moving to the next chair, Glorfilocks stretched out, but this time his legs dangled over the edge, not reaching the floor and making them feel even more tired than before. Finally he moved to the last chair, which was in front of a table, and this time, he was just the right height to sit in it. Besides, it had a nice soft cushion which was nice.

Extremely Hungary by now (after all, Glorfindel was 1/8th hobbit on his mothers side), Glorfilocks was very please to find three dishes on the table before him. Pulling the first dish forward, a plate of lembas bread, he took a bite but immediately spot it out.

This food was much too dry!

Pulling the second dish over, Glorfilocks looked dubiously at the milky porridge, before taking a spoonful. This time, he didn’t spit it out, but rather swallowed it with a grimace.

The porridge was more like soup, and was far too runny.

Finally, Glorfilocks pulled over the last plate, and this time he was practically drooling, an excited tongue flicking out to lick his lips. Picking up a spoon, Glorfilocks greedily delved into the firm but moist cheesecake, swallowing he first mouthful with a moan of delight.

This time the dish was perfect. The cheesecake was unbaked, his favourite, the cheese was soft and creamy, the base crumbly, and the fruit plump and ripe.

It was not long before Glorfilocks had wolfed down the whole cheesecake, and satisfied, he leant back lazily in his chair.

Unfortunately, while the chair had been perfect before, the extra weight of the cheesecake has made it unbalanced, and before Glorfilocks could even hear the crack, he was landing hard on his bottom, splinted scattered around him.

Rubbing his firm buttocks as he rose, Glorfilocks decided to look for a bed to rest in, because even though he knew the cheese would give him nightmares, eating a whole cake had made him feel full and sleepy.

Wandering through the talen, he came to another room, and inside lay three beds.

Moving to the first bed, Glorfilocks sat down, and bounced gently up and down. The bed felt firm enough, so he lay down, but the bed was far too short, and his ankles poked out of the end.

Grunting, he moved onto the next bed, and bouncing once more he thought it felt a little soft. Pulling back the blankets, Glorfilocks jumped as an evil looking goat bleated at him from inside the bed, and he quickly covered it again, and moved to the third bed.

Heart beating fast after the scary goat, Glorfilocks collapsed onto the third bed, barely pulling the duvet over his body before he started snoring really loudly.


Not much later, when their shifts ended, the three brothers trailed back to their talen, climbing wearily up the tree and coming to the open front door.

“Brothers, someone has been in our talen, for the door is wide open!” Stated Haldir dramatically as the other two climbed onto the platform.

“Thank you captain obvious…” Muttered Orophin, walking into the talen first.

“Ooooph” Grunted Rumil, who had not heard either, and had walked straight into Haldir.

Scowling, Haldir followed Orophin into their talen, making for the table where their dinner was waiting for them.However, as he approached the table, his eyes went wide as he saw his lembas bread.

“Holy son of a Valar!” he exclaimed loudly, looking at the huge bite that had gone missing from his food, and the half chewed crumbs that lay strewn across the table.

“Someone’s been eating my lembas!”

“And somebody’s been playing with my porridge!” Orophin added, holding the covered spoon at arms length from his body, all three pair of eyes fixed on the grey and slimy tip.

“Haldir, Orophin, Somebody’s eaten all my cheesecake, and they broke my special chair too!” Rumil whimpered, tears welling up in his eyes as he looked at the shattered remains of his chair.

“Calm down Rumil, I’m sure we can fix it…”Orophin soothed, looking at the chair and shaking his head.

“But…but… my cheesecake!”

“I think you need some sleep….”

“Orophin, I think that whoever was here might still be around…” Warned Haldir, moving into the bedroom to search.

“someone’s been in my bed, and they have pushed the end out of place!” Was the loud cry that soon followed his exit.

Rushing through, Rumil following, Orophin pulled back his own covers, and stroking his goats head in relief.

“Gotee tells me someones been to my bed too!”


Rumil’s hysterical screaming woke up Glorfilocks, who sat up sleepily and looked at the three brothers.

“Hello. I’m Glorfilocks, and I’m lost. Who are you?”

The three brothers looked at Glorfilocks in shock, unsure of what to say, until a high pitched scream broke through the silence.


Peering over the end of the bed, Glorfilocks looked at the furious ellon.

“I’m sorry, but I was very hungary, and it was a really nice cheesecake… perhaps I can do something to make it up to you?”

Thinking for a moment, Rumil finally nodded.


After making it up to the three brothers, the Galadrim had advised Glorfilocks to head back home, for the intentions of his auntie were not honourable, and had assisted him back to the edge of the forest, from where he headed back to Erestor’s arms.

Galadriel, furious after failing to get rid of Glorfilocks, had sailed west, and Glorfilocks and Erestor lived happily ever after, and occasionally visited the three brothers, and they spent many wonderful nights in the small talen.
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