A new community - mine! :-)

Nov 02, 2008 18:37

Up to now, posting about my writing has been a rather complicated and unorganised affair. Log in, log out, post it here, not post it there so not to spam f-lists, where have I posted an excerpt, where a review - a good thing my f-lists are so tolerant, I'm sure they've cursed me at times.

But that's over now! Well, almost. I created my own community, and you are cordially invited to join, lurk on or ignore


which stands for "The Purser, the Surgeon, the Captain and his Lieutenant", because that's why my next book will be. I've had to store "The Radiant Boy" on the shelf for the time being, but I guess most of you won't cry if they get male/male instead of gen. "The Radiant Boy" will be out next year, but for now, I want to concentrate on finishing PSCL.

In future, my LJs will only contain a one-line link if I post something new on p_s_c_l. Discussion of my work would be great, but I don't really expect it. LJ has been very quiet lately, and now with NaNoWriMo in full swing, I expect even less attention. And it's not like I've sold thousands of books or have a big name like so many of my most cherished colleagues.

BUT - I quite like the idea of having everything in one place. To quote Jane in Coupling: "Me! Me! It's all about ME!"

writing, emma, community

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