Meta: maybe your "kink" is accepted, but stay away from me, anyway

May 20, 2008 22:14

Yes, yes, working on a personal update. Will follow later, as soon as my scanner works again.

We all have our kinks and squicks. Usually fandom should work along the lines of "I respect yours, you respect mine, we're all happy", but we all know that's not happening. Otherwise fandom wank would be out of business.

Seeing as we're having the half-yearly "my friend wrote a story about an eight year old being raped and that's fine because it's not reality, only fiction, and now there are some tight-arsed old gnats upset and you are oppressing us and censorship and freedom of speech and yadda yadda yadda"-discussion again... my thoughts on stories with sexual content involving children, let me give you them:

I'm aware that fandom has an "everything goes" attitude nowadays. Keep the sheep-shagging twincest rape coming! It's like a big swinger party, in a way. That doesn't really bother me; I know how to use the scroll button, heed warnings and avoid certain fandoms. I keep away from RPF, rape, incest, twincest, dark fics etc. because they are not my cuppa. Doesn't mean I run around and flame authors, I just don't read their work. I'm also well aware that fiction isn't reality. I don't think authors writing rape-fics will go out and rape people. I don't think Sir Anthony Hopkins has his personal assistant for dinner (with fava beans).

But I do believe that we have an in-built "safety button" when it comes to connecting sex with kids. Even if it is legal in your (general "you(r)") place to write/read such stories (it's illegal in my country), your fandom is approving, you see nothing wrong with the content of your tales and you are a nice person in real life, I still wouldn't want to have any dealings with you.

"Torches! Pitchforks! The stake! She's attacking authors personally!"

If writers have the right to write such stories, I have the right to be scared of them. No, I don't think those people are pedophiles. But they are trivialising a terrible thing like child abuse for quick entertainment and a few lines of feedback. In my opinion, their safety button might have a defective contact. And if they make decisions - like writing such stories - then they will have to deal with the consequences. One of those consequences is that I wonder what sort of person writes that type of story and I decide that it's not the kind of person I'd ever want to have anything to do with (for which they are probably grateful).

That has always been my opinion. No argument will ever change it - mostly because I am a tight-arsed old gnat and very happy with it.

opreshun, wtf, same old story, meta

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