Counting the days...

Nov 04, 2007 18:16

... till January. Right now, working 50% only sounds like heaven, bliss and cotton candy. When I come home from work these days, I feed the cats and fall into bed. That's all the energy I have left: none. Rien. Nichts. Zilcheroni. There's not enough power for work and fun. So work wins, because I have to pay the bills. According to Il Dottore this will get better as soon as I have to take a lower dosage of blood thinners - well, it better will! And soon! Like - now!

I have tons of emails and LJ comments and entries on my f-list that I've read, but haven't replied to (yet). I'm simply too knackered to do it, most of the time. Same goes for writing - the bit I've done recently is rather pathetic compared to the number of words I usually write. It's not writer's block - I know exactly what I want to write, I just don't have the energy to do it - and it's driving me insane.

I didn't have the energy to celebrate Samhain. I'm not happy about it - at all. But I'll celebrate yule, even if it kills me. This place is going to be yuletide central, roar!

Also, I want to kick people. It's not nice, but I can't change it. If I'm upset because I'm too tired to clean the windows, for example, I don't need anybody telling me "LOLZ I DUN CLIN THEM EVAH" - good for you, baby, BUT I DO! I want to be able to clean the bloody windows, wet-clean the floor, do the laundry, go to work AND write without feeling as if I've just finished the New York marathon! Dammit!

In other words: Whine! Whine! And whine again!

Thank you for your time, back to your regular scheduled LJ programme.


wtf, private

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