Finally! Bloomsy on stage! And Damo, too (not at the same time, though. Bummer!)

May 09, 2007 09:39

Bloom to make West End debut
'Pirates' star to join 'In Celebration'

LONDON -- Orlando Bloom will make his West End debut in veteran Brit playwright David Storey's 1969 drama "In Celebration."

The play, a Chekhovian-style ensemble drama about three brothers returning home for their parents' 40th wedding anniversary, will be directed by Anna Mackmin and produced by Sonia Friedman.

Dates and theater are still subject to confirmation but the most likely venue is the 380-seat Trafalgar Studios for a July opening. No further casting has yet been confirmed.

Bloom has been eyeing legit projects for some time. He is keen to be part of a stage ensemble having worked exclusively on screen since being cast in "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy almost immediately on leaving London's Guildhall School of Music and Drama in 1999.

I know I'll expose myself to public ridicule again by saying so, but I KNOW he can do it, and I'm so happy he's finally getting the chance to do some stage acting. I'd love to see that, though I doubt I'll have the chance (those tickets will very likely be sold on ebay at astronomic prices. Eh. I'll read the reviews.)

You go, Bloomsy!

"Salt Meets Wound" - Damian O'Hare on stage

A short reminder for those of you in the London-area: tonight "Salt Meets Wound" by Tom Morton-Smith will open.

It will run from May 9 to 26 at Theatre 503, Latchmere Pub. Further information can be found here. If you should be in the mood for ginger and culture: tickets are £7/£12.


theatre, damo, bloomsy, motems

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