POTC fic: The Stubborn Tin Soldier - completed!

Dec 23, 2006 02:01

A Haunted Christmas Tale

The story has been completed, all chapters are online now.

Author: Erestor
Genre: slash, romance, humour
Pairing: Norrington/Gillette, Norrington/Turner. Elizabeth/Jack and Groves/Anamaria mentioned.
Other characters: Lord Cutler Beckett, Mullroy and Murtogg.
Rating: R
Warnings: AU. Very much so! And a wee bit of angst. Supernatural themes - it's a haunted Christmas tale, after all. :)

Summary: True love wins in the end. But it might take a long, long time...

"Oh Disney in your castle bright
You might think fanfic's not right
But see, the pirates, they don't mind
So, just for once, pretend you're blind

Oh copyright, I honor thee
So there's no point in sueing me
Amusement's all I'm aiming for

Yours, Erestor"

Have fun!

willington, fanfic, gillington, yuletide tales, potc

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