Nov 18, 2006 19:12

Update 23/11/2006, 2:35pm: at the moment, Master Erestor will donate CHF 24.80 to Doctors without Borders.

CHARITY DRIVE 2006 in benefit of Doctors without Borders

In other words (Eveiya's): "It's a fundraising drive where you fork out your own cash, and everyone gets to see lots of motems?"

Yes, Minister!

As every year in November and December, I'm drumming up donations for charity. People have been wonderful these last years, donating generously for the victims of the tsunami disaster, those in need after the flooding of New Orleans and Doctors without Borders.

You guys have been marvelous, writing and sewing and painting for the auctions, and over the years, a couple of thousand dollars went to charity. This year, however, I decided to try something else. As I'm up to my neck in work at the moment, and most of you are as well, there will be no auctions. Instead - and you'll be pleased to hear that - we'll have


A M.O.T.E.M., as many of you know, is a "Mild On The Eyes Male". So what I want you to is to post a picture of a man that you consider to be handsome to this entry. There are enough out there! Doesn't have to be a MOTEM after my own standards (we'd be very limited otherwise…!), but whoever you think "woof".

For every MOTEM picture posted to this entry, I'll donate CHF 0.20 to Doctors without Borders.

And because I'm shallow: twice the amount for every picture of Jack Davenport (oh come on. I'm having to pay, so let me have some fun!).

This charity drive ends on December 25. I'll make the donation the first week of January and publish the receipt here.

RULES (please read and follow them - seriously!)

1. Don't hotlink. Hotlinking bad, no cookie.
2. Don't steal stuff and respect possible copyrights.
3. No papparazzi pictures. Papparazzi bad, no cookie.
4. No doubles. They don't count. You can post 20 times Johnny Depp, but not 20 times the same picture of Johnny Depp.
5. Only one picture per post.
5. Write the name of the MOTEM in the subject line.
6. No text-only posts. You may only post if you include a picture (makes it easier for me to count!) All text-only posts will be deleted.
7. If you post your personal pictures (your significant other, brother etc.), PLEASE check first if the bloke is ok with it. I don't want to be responsible for divorces or family drama.
8. Absolutely no pictures of politicians!
9. No full frontal nudity. We can all go back to oggle wieners by January. ;-)
10. Should my personal limit be reached before December 25, I'll let you know and stop the drive.
11. By posting a picture, you confirm that you read these rules.

Please let people know about this. Feel free to start a similar action. And hey - you may also donate to Doctors without Borders yourself. Every donation counts.

All joking aside: please donate and help. You don't have to be Bono to do it. :)

Thanks in advance!

Erestor xxx

PS: Anonymous posting is not possible as you can only post pictures if you have a LJ account. If you don't have an account, you may also mail me your picture(s) on erestor at, and I'll post them for you in your name. :)

msf, charity, motems

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