Sheepage: Rilly Long Meme

Oct 06, 2006 07:11

Snatched from chloe_amethyst - the "one of the three memes a year I do".

Are you happy with your given name?
I hate it. But then again, I'd hate it even more if I had been born a boy. In that case, I'd been called "Mick Keith" (have a wild guess who my mother's favourite band was...)

What is your guaranteed weeping movie?
Edward Scissorhands. The Ice Dance gets me EVERY time.

What is the one thing you like to do alone?
Going to the loo...?

What's a major fear of yours?
Crossing the path of a maggot.

Are you a pyromaniac?
Nope. Water's my element, not fire.

Do you know anyone famous?

Describe your bed

What type of character would you play in a movie?
The guy hiding behind the hero.

What do you carry with you at all times?
In my bag? Notebook, mobile, keys, meds, tissues.

How do you eat an apple?
With my mouth? (Who comes up with such questions...)

Do you prefer to stand out or blend in?
I prefer to hide.

What kind of first impression do you think you give people?

Favorite communication method?
Talking face to face, followed by e-mails. I HATE telephones.

What is your hidden talent?
I have an in-built lie detector.

Do you own a Bible?

Do you have a problem changing clothes in front of friends?

What should you be doing instead of this?
Nothing - someone's late for a meeting here *taps foot impatiently*

Who was the last person who called you?
Toby - we ooohed and aaahed about a low-price computer-supply website. (2 geeks, what can I say...)

Are you ready?
Never, for anything.

What is the last gift you gave someone?
Max got some of Fluke's liver-treaties, and a sparkling honey butter bath bomb for Stéphanie.

Does everything happen for a reason?
Most things, yes, but not everything. There is always a percentage of chaos in our destiny.

What is your biggest headache lately?

What color is your bedroom?
See above - fern green and white.

Do you consider yourself to be a nice person?
Usually. I work on it.

Have you ever pierced your own body part or that of someone else?
Hehehe - YES! Ouchies!

What kind of watch do you wear?
None. I refuse to wear a slave band by free will.

What's one car you will never buy? (why?)
Any car, because I don't have a driving licence!

Do you cry in front of your friends?
I try to avoid crying in general, and if it happens, I prefer not to have an audience.

Would you die to save the life of someone you dearly love?

Do you have any married friends?

Do you like thunderstorms?
Oh boy, yes!

What was your first job?
First paid job was cleaning the morgue at the local cemetary. My dad got me there as a holiday job. Don't ask.

What was the last thing you typed before this survey?
"Kind regards"

Favorite word lately?
"Sofa Parasite" (*cackle*)

What's the strangest thing that's happened to you in the past week?
Person I never heard of mailed me and wanted to make me a present.

You have a crush, don't you?

Now wouldn't you just love to know.

What is the little physical habit that gives away your insecure moments?
Wrinkling my nose (daft, I know, but so I've been told)

Do you talk a lot?
Sometimes yes.

What do you typically order at a bar?
Gin and Orange.

Name one trait you hate in a person:

Favorite writing utensil?
My laptop.

What's one thing you're a loser at?

When's the last time you made someone cry?
No idea.

Do you like the rain?
Love it - in summer, I sometimes take a walk in the rain, coming home soaked and happy.

Who was the last person you talked to in person?

What are your plans for the weekend?
Cinema, atélier, walk in the forrest, writing, household chores

How much money would it take for you to give up the internet for a year?
Make me an offer. :)

Where's your ideal marriage location?
There IS none.

What do you cook the best?

What kind of books do you like to read?

If you win the lottery, what would you like to do?
Buy a lighthouse. :)

If you don't like a person, how do you show it?
The temparature drops by 20° around me.

What are you listening to?
Right now? Chatter of the guys taking a coffee break.

What was the last thing you laughed about?
Calvin and Hobbes cartoon in today's newspaper.

What do you wish you were doing right now?

What musical instrument do you wish you could play?

What's the funniest experience you ever had at your job?
Too many to single one out. Whic is good!

If you could speak any language, which language would you speak?
I'd like to re-learn Italian, improve my French, Gaelic would be nice (but then, what could I use it for?) Arabian might be nice, I could bitch at our PE engineers way better then, hehehe!

Well, that was useful...



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