A difficult decision...

May 14, 2006 13:20

... who is more disgusting:

- The Canadian government issueing a licence to shoot polar bears?
- The Amercian hunter shifting over CAN 50'000.00 to shoot a polar bear?

I guess I go for "you're all a bunch of assholes" and enquire how much the licence is in Idaho for shoving a hunter's head up his arse.

The big hunter shot a polar bear / grizzly hybrid

Let's sing together now, everybody:

"Neighbours, everybody needs good neighbours,
With a little understanding, you can find a perfect plan.
Neighbours, should be there for one another.
That's when good neighbours become good friends."

I wonder what Mr Martell will be doing with the bear's hide - hanging it over the chimney? Make it into a rug in front of his bed?

The DNA results were good news for the 65-year-old hunter, who could have been fined or jailed for up to a year for shooting a grizzly. The Northwest Territories Environment and Natural Resources Department now intends to return the bear to Martell.

"It will be quite a trophy," Martell told the National Post newspaper last week, before the DNA results were in. He is now in Yellowknife for another hunt, this time with a permit to shoot a grizzly bear. Martell told the newspaper he has dubbed the hybrid creature a "polargrizz."

And I have dubbed him arsehole of the month. Might not be as original, but definitely more fitting.

Maybe someone should invite Dick Cheney for a hunt to Yellowknife...


animals, asshats

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